Patch Note
November 18, 2023
New Feature
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- New wings special effects for Seraph’s exosuit.
Space View
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- The mining ore and recyclable debris models in the Space View now have a random rotation to make it more realistic.
- New Vehicle-Driving HUD.
- New Matchmaking UI.
- New Thank-you Announcement Popup UI.
- Shop interfaces now display the owned quantity of the selected item.
- Added a limit to the backpack's size. After reaching the limit, any further items acquired will be sent via email.
- Added troops' icons in the character creation interface. Clicking on an icon shows the details of the selected troops.
- Added a Skip button for all black-screen narrative texts.
- Added shadows to all the 3D models displayed in the UI.
- Added a black screen transition when returning to the main menu.
Battle Pass
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- New Battle Pass Season.
- New special effects for skills.
- New attack effect for the Assault Recruits.
- Added a limit on how many times a player can respawn in one battle.
- New alert effect for Hunting Trap.
- New special effects and UI for Portable Guided Missiles.
Optimization & Improvement
Space View
- Optimized Object Display:[list]
- Added icons for Spacecraft Defense and Storage Chests.
- Optimized the different distance display of the spaceship’s flags.
- Optimized the spaceship model display during the interactions.
- Changed backpack interface interaction logic so that items are selected by clicking instead of hovering.
- Pressing the shortcut used to open a certain interface a second time, now closes it.
- After entering the city, players can now immediately hold ESC to return to Star View.
- Improved the difficulty display for missions. Now, it’s no longer based on level.
- Lowered the minimum level requirement for unlocking side missions.
- Daily Missions adjustment: [list]
- The prerequisite mission for unlocking daily missions is now “The Journey Begins”.
- Adjusted the order of daily missions.
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- Optimized Desolater’s animation.
- Increased the experience gained for proficiency.
- Removed the dropping of Fledgling Eggs and Round Egg Larvae from recycling and mining at Level 1.
- Increased the number of required materials for weapons, skills, armor, and troops’ upgrades.
- Adjusted the types of items sold by merchants to make them more reasonable in certain contexts.
- Increased the credits needed for upgrading and crafting.
- Increased the maximum white-tier materials available for exchange in the exchange system.
- Bug fixes.
- Performance optimization.