Version 97 is here commanders!
It comes with a ton of balancing, a new proficiency archetype, and more!
- The main quest and daily quests will reward more credits
- Quantum boxes, full of loot, can now be dropped after a successful battle/activity. They can be opened from your inventory
- All troops health and shield growth are higher (upgrades) except Pirate Swordsmen, Serpent and Cobras who saw their health total were reduced
- All weapons' damage bonus after leveling up were increased, except the Acid Spitter, as the damage growth was lowered
- Ships got massive health and shield boosts as well as massive damage boosts
- The power requirement for the mission “Preparation ” is now dynamic
- Perfect healing and failed healing will occur less often
- The main quest will now reward medics
- The targeting AI was improved
- Reduced needed XP to level up from lvl 10 onwards
- Treasure map trackers are now in the exchange system
- The first armor was changed to heavy armor and has a few bonus attributes
- More enemy fleets will spawn and they will track you a little better
- Increased melee damage
- Consumables now provide 1 power rating
- All weapons are reloaded when entering a battle, you are also fully healed.
- New “Massive damage” mechanic where enemies will fall backwards when taking a lot of damage at once.
- Hatcheries and Parasitic Meteors lvl1 to 6 will not spawn dragon elites or bosses
- The branded killer quest will not spawn bosses instead of 2 elites anymore.
- Increased rewards for optional quests "Business intel" and "Small Trouble"
- Specialists (troop) will unlock faster
- The reward track now unlocks at lvl5 (edited)
- Bosses under lvl10 will now spawn with a single affix instead of 2
- Enemies' shield and health pool will increase less as they level up
- Added the “Psion” proficiency. It synergizes with the skills Black holes, Mini-HAARP, and energy rift.
- All proficiency required XP to lvl up lowered (except weapons)
- Troops and ships unlock level increased
- Proficiencies will unlock and increase faster for a better experience
- Increased proficiency XP received from recycling and mining
- After a victory you cannot exit a battlefield without opening the reward chest
- An audio reminder will tell you to open the chests after a victory
- The treasure chests spawns of the first map were adjusted
- The chat log will now show items gathered from mining and recycling
- P now opens the reward track (can be changed in the settings menu)
- Terra has new NPCs roaming, with new animations
- The volume of the prompt reminding you to open the chests after a battle was reduced
There are a lot of features coming soon like new weapons, new battle archetypes, new troops, and a LOT more, enjoy this update and stay tuned commander!
Anthony, Freeman, and Yoko