Emergency maintenance has been completed and UNDECEMBER is now available to play.
We apologize again for the inconvenience caused by this unexpected maintenance.
Please refer to the following information for details.

Oct. 10 (Thu) Emergency Maintenance Completed
1. Completed Maintenance Schedule
: Oct. 10 (Thu) 2024, 13:50 - 16:03 (UTC+9)
2. Maintenance Details
- Game service stabilization
3. Emergency Maintenance Compensation
In addition, we have prepared compensation for these issues as a sign of our apology.
Please see below for more details.
- Fountain of Clear Wisdom x3
- Gemstone of Courage x 3,000
* You can claim the compensation from your mailbox
after the Oct. 10 (Thu) maintenance until Oct. 10 (Thu) 23:59 (UTC+9).
* Maintenance compensation will only be sent once per account for both modes, and the mail will be stored for 3 days (72 hours).
┗ You can only claim the compensation from either Standard or Season Mode.
* Maintenance compensation can only be claimed by accounts created before the maintenance.
Compensation cannot be claimed by accounts that were created after the maintenance.
* The Zodiac Walker effect's duration is not affected during maintenance.

We apologize again for the unexpected inconvenience you experienced.
We will always strive to maintain the quality and reliability of our services.
Thank you.
Greetings, Rune Hunters.
UNDECEMBER will be undergoing emergency maintenance on Oct. 10 (Thu).
We apologize for the inconvenience caused by this unexpected maintenance.
Please refer to the following information for details about the maintenance schedule.

Oct. 10 (Thu) Emergency Maintenance
1. Emergency Maintenance Schedule
: Oct. 10 (Thu) 2024, 13:50 (UTC+9) - Until further notice
* This notice will be updated once the completion time for the maintenance is confirmed.
2. Maintenance Details
- Game service stabilization
3. To Note
■ The maintenance schedule may be subject to change.

We will always strive to maintain the quality and reliability of our services.
Thank you.