Are you enjoying the Wonderland Event?
Puru the Clock Rabbit from Wonderland has set up surprise events for the Rune Hunters visiting the amusement park.
Please see below for more details.

◆ Puru the Clock Rabbit's Login Gift Event
■ Event Period
- Jun. 8 (Sat) - Jun. 19 (Wed) 23:59 (UTC+9)
■ Event Details
- You can obtain rewards through your mailbox by logging into the game every day during the event period.
- You must obtain your rewards directly through your mailbox, and obtained rewards will be sent to your Bag.
- The attendance reward mail will arrive by 23:59 (UTC+9) on the day the mail is sent.
■ Event Rewards
- Puru the Clock Rabbit's Pocket Watch x100
■ How to Participate
- Log into the game and obtain your rewards through your mailbox.
■ To Note
※ You can obtain rewards through your mailbox by logging into the game every day (00:00-23:59 (UTC+9)) during the event period.
※ You must obtain your rewards directly from your mailbox, and obtained rewards will be sent to your bag.
※ The attendance reward mail will arrive by 23:59 (UTC+9) on the day the mail is sent.
Rewards that are not obtained within the mail expiry time will expire and disappear.
※ The rewards will only be sent once per account, and the mail will be stored for 3 days (72 hours).
┗ You can only obtain the reward from either Standard or Season Mode.
◆ Puru the Clock Rabbit's Drop Chance Increase Event
■ Event Period
- After the non-maintenance server patch on Jun. 7 (Fri) - Jun. 19 (Wed) 23:59 (UTC+9)
■ Event Details
- The drop chance for Puru the Clock Rabbit's Pocket Watch will be doubled during the event period.
■ To Note
※ The drop chance for 'Puru the Clock Rabbit's Pocket Watch' will be doubled after defeating 'Puru the Clock Rabbit' during the event period.
※ 'Puru the Clock Rabbit's Pocket Watch' that are not used will disappear after the Jun. 20 (Thu) scheduled maintenance.
※ The event schedule and rewards may be subject to change.

We hope you enjoy the surprise events put together by Puru the Clock Rabbit!
Thank you.