A new system will be implemented in 'Collector's Treasure House' and 'Croco's Support Chest' through the new season update after Season 3 ends.
We would like to notify you in advance about what will happen so you can know about the changes that will take place in advance.
Please see below for more details.

◈ Advance Notice on Certain Paid Shop Product Changes
◆ New Guaranteed Reward Points
- Guaranteed Reward Points will be implemented in 'Collector's Treasure House' and 'Croco's Support Chest' and rewards will be given per stage according to the current level.
- Designated items are guaranteed to be given when the last stage is achieved.
※ Guaranteed Reward Points will only be applied to 'Collector's Treasure House' and 'Croco's Support Chest'.
※ Accumulated points will remain even if a Legendary item is obtained while collecting points.
※ Guaranteed Reward Points are shared between characters.

◆ Improvements to Support Chest Names and Border Colors
- The names of chests such as 'Legendary Treasure Chest' and 'Unique Support Chest' in 'Collector's Treasure House' and 'Croco's Support Chest' will be changed and the colors of effects in the Check Rewards screen will be changed.
※ Details related to the changes in colors will be revealed in the future.
■ Examples of New Chest Names

※ The details are still in the planning stage and may change during development.
We hope the information above will help you avoid any inconvenience as you play the game.
Please support and look forward to the Season 4 update that will be released in the future.
Thank you.