We would like to inform you about the rewards distribution for the Season Re:Birth Ranking Event.
Ranking rewards have been sent to Rune Hunters who have won from 1st to 25th place in ‘Chaos Mission Ranking - 1st Round’, which took place in the Season Re:Birth Mode from Nov. 07 (Thu) maintenance until Nov. 14 (Thu).
※ Season Re:Birth Ranking Event is for the Season Re:Birth Mode.
Please see below for more details.

Season Re:Birth Ranking Event Rewards Distribution Schedule (Chaos Mission Ranking 1st Round)
- Affected Users: Users who participated in the Chaos Mission Ranking 1st Round and won from 1st to 25th place in the ranking
※ [Link to UNDECEMBER Season Re:Birth Ranking Event]
- Distribution Schedule: After the Nov. 21 (Thu) scheduled maintenance
※ Rewarded items are sent to your mailbox, and you must obtain your rewards directly.
※ The reward mail will be sent only once to the character that entered the Season Re:Birth ranking, and the mail will be stored for 30 days (720 hours).

We hope you enjoy spending time with UNDECEMBER.
Thank you.