Some of the products in bonus chests of 'Collector's Treasure House (Recommended)' will changed after the Aug. 29 (Thu) maintenance.
We would like to notify you in advance about what will happen so you can know about the changes that will take place in advance.
Please see below for more details.

◆ Advanced Notice on Paid Shop Product Changes on Aug. 29
Mileage Tickets will be added to certain bonus chests in 'Collector's Treasure House (Recommended)'.
■ New item added to Collector's Treasure House Perfect Bonus Chest (Collector's Recommendation)
- Mileage Ticket x10
■ New item added to Collector's Treasure House Grand Bonus Chest (Collector's Recommendation)
- Mileage Ticket x25

※ The information may change when the update takes place.
We hope that the information above will help you avoid any inconvenience as you play the game.
Thank you.