We would like to inform you in advance that certain packages and products currently on sale at the Shop will no longer be available after the following dates.
Please see below for more details.
We hope the information will help you avoid any inconvenience.

Advance Notice on the End of Package and Product Sales
1. Ending Date
- After the Feb. 20 (Thu) scheduled maintenance
2. Products No Longer Sold from Feb. 20 (Thu)

3. Products Sold Again After the End of Sales from Feb. 20 (Thu)

4. To Note
※ The relevant packages and products will only be sold until the dates above.
※ 'Gear Summon Tickets (Recommended)', 'Gear Summon Ticket (Recommended) Chests', and 'Bonus Points' accumulated in Summon Gear - Recommendation will be removed after the Feb. 20 (Thu) scheduled maintenance.
※ 'Lucky Summon Ticket Chests' that can be obtained from Step Up Package Bonus Chests Ⅰ - Ⅲ and Bonus Trials of Power Packages will be removed after the Feb. 20 (Thu) scheduled maintenance.

We will do our best to continue offering even better products to Rune Hunters.
Thank you.