To begin, we sincerely apologize for any inconvenience caused to our Rune Hunters due to the issue that occurred after the update on Aug. 29 (Thu).
The issue where when Rune Hunter Elixir, a consumable item, is used, the Rune Master EXP is not recovered correctly has been fixed with a temporary maintenance on Aug. 31 (Sat).
We sincerely apologize for the inconvenience caused to our Rune Hunters and have prepared a compensation plan. Please find the detailed information below.

1) Who Will Receive the Compensation:
- Rune Hunter Elixirs consumed before the issue was resolved have been reimbursed to the affected Rune Hunters.
2) Compensation Distribution Time: Sept. 5 (Thu) 14:00 (UTC+9)
Can be obtained through your mailbox from Aug. 30 (Fri) 00:00 until Sep. 5 (Thu) 00:00 (UTC+9)
※ The compensation will only be sent once per account, and the mail will be stored for 3 days (72 hours).
┗ You can only obtain the compensation from either Standard or Season Mode.

We once again apologize for any inconvenience caused by this issue, and we promise to continue working to provide a more comfortable gaming experience for our Rune Hunters.
Thank you.