In celebration of UNDECEMBER's Season Trials of Power, we have prepared the New/Returning User Attendance Event.
Participate in the attendance event that will greatly assist you in a new beginning!
You can view the New/Returning User Attendance Event by pressing the [Attendance] button on the upper-right part of the screen.
Please see below for more details on the New/Returning User Attendance Event.

◆ New/Returning User Attendance Event
The New/Returning User Attendance event, which offers rewards every day for 28 days, will be added for new and returning Rune Hunters.
■ New/Returning User Attendance Event Period
- After the Jan. 9 (Thu) 2025 maintenance - Until before the next Season update
■ What is the New/Returning User Attendance Event?
- The New/Returning User Attendance event grants rewards for a total of 28 days and will be available for only one season.
- The New/Returning User Attendance event can run simultaneously with the regular attendance event.
- The New/Returning User Attendance will be integrated across accounts without distinguishing between Standard and Season.
■ How to Participate
- You can participate via the screen that appears by clicking the [Attendance] button on the upper-right part of the screen.
- You can obtain the activated rewards by clicking the [Receive Reward] button.
■ New/Returning User Attendance Rewards

■ To Note
※ The period and details outlined above may be subject to change.
※ The attendance information is refreshed every day at 9:00 (UTC+9).
※ You must obtain your rewards directly yourself, and obtained rewards will be sent to your bag.
※ Please ensure that you obtain any activated level rewards before the period ends.
※ You can see the contents of Chest items through [????View Info] in the item’s tooltip in the game.
※ Rune Hunters who create their accounts and log in for the first time during the event period will be considered new users.
※ If your last login date is more than 30 days prior to the start date of the corresponding attendance event, you will be considered a returning user.
※ The New/Returning status will be maintained until the corresponding (New/Returning) attendance event ends.
※ The New/Returning status will only apply to the corresponding (New/Returning) attendance.

Participate in the attendance event to support your new beginning!
Thank you.