We'd like to inform you about the planned improvements to certain features in the game after the Jan. 9 (Thu) 2025 new season update, which have been suggested by many Rune Hunters.
Please see below for more details.

Convenience Improvement Plans after the Update
1. Improvements to be Made
- 'Obtaining Exclusion List' function will be restored.
※ [Settings > Accessibility > Obtaining Exclusion List] function has been removed in the recent update for future improvements.
※ We understand many Rune Hunters are experiencing inconvenience due to the removal of this function, and we will restore the function as soon as possible.
- 'Essence items' stack size' will be extended to up to 100.
※ Essence's stacking is increased from 30 to 100 to enable more enjoyable gameplay.
2. Known Issues after the Update
- We are currently working on the known issues found after the update. We will fix the issues as soon as possible.
- Please see the Bug Fixes and Current Known Issues notice for further details. [Link]

We hope the information above will help our Rune Hunters enjoy the game.
We will always strive to maintain the quality and reliability of our services.
Thank you.