As we informed you via Advance Notice, refunds of currencies will be made due to the renewal of Zodiac Walker products.
※ [Link to Advance Notice on Zodiac Walker Renewal]
Please see below for more details.

UNDECEMBER Refunds for Zodiac Walker
- Affected Users: Rune Hunters who have purchased a Zodiac Walker product in the Paid Shop and activated it before Nov. 07 (Thu) maintenance
- Refund Condition: Zodiac Walker (7 Days) - 15 Diamonds per remaining day / Zodiac Walker (28 Days) - 11 Diamonds per remaining day
※ The remaining days are rounded up even when only one second is left. (e.g., 1 day and 1 second remaining will be considered 2 remaining days.)
- Date of Refund: Nov. 07 (Thu) 11:42 (UTC+9)
■ To Note
※ Zodiac Walker included in Packages as a free product or given through an Event will be excluded from the refund.
※ If any unclaimed free product included in a package remains in the Paid Shop Storage, it will be deleted during the Nov. 7 (Thu) maintenance.
※ Paid products remaining in the Inventory or Storage will be refunded.
※ All the benefits given by an activated Zodiac Walker (Zodiac Walker Gift Selection Chest and free Rubies) will be excluded from the refund.
※ Please note that refunded Diamonds have been sent and added directly to your holdings.
※ Refunded Diamonds will be free currency.

We hope you enjoy spending time with UNDECEMBER.
Thank you.