We would like to provide information about the 'Absorb Energy' skill that has become an issue in the UNDECEMBER community.
First of all, we would like to apologize for not providing clear information regarding the 'Absorb Energy' skill and causing confusion.
Rune Hunters reported a total of 2 issues regarding this matter.
Please see below for more details.

■ Issue where energy can be obtained while the effects of the 'Absorb Energy' skill are active
- Energy should not be obtainable while the effects of the 'Absorb Energy' skill are active.
This issue will be resolved through the Jan. 18 (Thu) 2024 maintenance.
■ The Amplification effect of the 'Absorb Energy' skill
- The following areas synergize with the 'Absorb Energy' skill's Amplification effect.
1) The 'Adds 50% of Main Element Increase/Amplification of Activation Skill to Element of Target Skill when the Main Elements of Activation and Target Skills are different' option of Link Runes such as Spell Activation on Attack Hit, Spell Activation upon Enemy Kill, Spell Activation on Spell Hit, Spell Activation while Channeling, and Spell Activation on Hit
2) The 'Increase Max Energy' option of Unique items
The stats were calculated correctly based on the information above.
We are aware that this issue was highlighted in areas where DPS performance can be extremely heightened such as the Training Arena, and would like to inform you that this is not a bug because it is within the structurally acceptable range.
※ However, we are monitoring balance-related aspects, such as the difficulty of reaching the maximum energy limit and maintaining the Amplification effect, and could improve these parts in later seasons if the mechanics are regarded to not be balanced enough.

We would like to once again apologize for the trouble our Rune Hunters experienced due to the delay in sharing this notice.
We will always strive to maintain the quality and reliability of our services.
Thank you.