What’s New?

- Selective Storage: Selective storage has a lower capacity compared to open storage. However, it employs one storage attendant who transports the selected resources to the storage using a wheelcart. This feature makes it ideal for placing near production buildings that are far from main storage areas, preventing workers from traveling long distances to fetch resources, thereby improving productivity. Only the resources you select from the resource list will be stored in selective storage. When choosing resources, you will have the option to enable auto-transport. Resources with auto-transport enabled will be automatically transported to this storage, while resources without auto-transport will only be stored if nearby villagers manually deposit them.
- Storage Attendant: The storage attendant works in selective storage, ensuring that the resources with auto-transport enabled are consistently available in the storage. Additionally, the attendant transfers excess resources from selective storage to open storage to free up space when the local storage limit is exceeded.
- Stored Item Hover Info: A new hover tooltip has been added that provides more detailed information when you hover over resources in storages. The tooltip shows unit weight, the percentage of space the resource occupies, and the total capacity of the storage.

Changes and Improvements
- The unit weight of firewood has been reduced from 2.5 to 1.0.
- Improvements have been made to optimize resource sharing in storages, ensuring that villagers have better access to the resources they need simultaneously.
Unless plans change, the next content update will introduce paper and book production, with books serving as a booster in education. Additionally, a new algorithm is in development to improve late-game productivity by carefully calculating the distance between villagers' homes and workplaces, ensuring more efficient household assignments. However, these plans may adapt based on feedback and needs.
See you in the next update!