What's New?
- Beer: A luxury resource produced in the fermentary using grains and consumed in the tavern.
- Wine: A luxury resource produced in the fermentary using fruits and consumed in the tavern. The term "wine" is used as a general name for beverages made from fruits.
- Fermentary Building: Workers called "fermenters" produce beer from grains and wine from fruits in this building.
- Tavern Building: Similar to the bathhouse, the tavern is a place where villagers rest and recover more quickly. To function effectively, the tavern requires firewood, beer, and wine.
- Enhancement Cards: Added 16 new enhancement cards related to the production and consumption of beer and wine.

Bug Fixes
- Fixed an issue where animals were not displayed in the merchant's inventory on the left-side notifications panel.
- Fixed a rare bug where resources could not be transported to construction sites due to villagers mistakenly perceiving storage areas as inaccessible.
What's Next?
Upcoming updates will add visual variety and decorations to the game. After implementing natural disasters, we’ll be very close to the full release of the game. See you in the next update!