Did you know the Ursee might not be an entirely normal place? Perhaps Oberon's refuge or Oberon's Prison is a better term (depending on how you interpret the ancient myths from the Falconeer). There's Star-gates and gravitational anomalies. There is a story to these things.
One thing I could never get to work for the Falconeer, back in the day, was an actual "edge of the world". I did intent to , hence that game's major expansion being called that.
But as I was unwinding today I kinda solved the major issues there. So here as a tease for a future update perhaps, the results of today's experiment.

now I know lots of folks folks want a better trade-management screen and other major features, but sometimes you gotta re-energize and make something fun and crazy. I can kinda imagine this edge being a lawless area ,with crime lords and mercenaries for hire. Perhaps a bit more mongress culture down south.
Anyways certainly the next update will contain QoL features and improvements, but should it contain this "edge of the world" , would it excite you all to build on the edge of the literal abyss?
If so let loose with some like so I know you all are up for it ;)