keep it coming, only a few more days to go before this cookie gets done.
- the freehouse surveyor has faction appropriate little flags
- fixed that defending fleets would be counted as defeated if they were just despawned for optimization
- hostile patrolling ships are counted as combat instances.
- any assaults on a tradeship by other settlements is also shown on the map
- any combat event anywhere is shown on the map.
- ships from vassaled factions will sail up to offer service.
- teleporting on the map with the ship will take you to deep water if possible, a harbour otherwise
- made it that you can drop buildings near resources if the locations is largely above the resource. (so on overhanging mountains etc)
- quite a few faction settlements have been made more impactful
- interval of advisor message "as seen in this mode" greatly reduced
- when demolishing a floor if the main HQ is demolished the commander is unassigned
- fortress added to freebuild
- when sailing with the command flagship you can always switch back to the surveyor if you are far away from your settlement
- new floors are angled towards the camera
- settlement defending forces are now elite or legendary based on the size of the settlement (about a 40% increase in base hp)
- hostile fortresses made a bit more deadly.
Homstead Rescue, Ursee style

Nothing is more important than little flags.. alright