Hello Surveyors - it's been a hot moment since we've had a Bulwark specific update for you, and though Tomas is working INCREDIBLY hard on some brand new features that we can't wait to share with you (though you may have spotted a tease or two if you've been following his social accounts lately), I'm here in his stead to give you a small glimpse into what he's been working on lately in recap, and a glimpse of the future. Let's go!
Not all that Glitters is Gold
Before we get into the nitty gritty, it's TOTALLY worth highlighting the Golden Joysticks that took place this month, which had two pretty substantial events for Bulwark!
First of all the nomination for most anticipated game - despite not picking up the award on the night it was honestly, absolutely stunning to be considered in that list considering the heavyweights included within the category, and we have to once again say THANK YOU to everyone that helped spread the word and get your votes in for Tomas!

(Look That's Bulwark up There!)
On a more personal note, Tomas also got to actually present an award at the show itself, no small feat to do to a room full of industry peers and press - but he handled it with grace and managed to look good doing so - well done Tomas! Hopefully one of many award considerations for Bulwark to come!

(wish I could pull off a denim suit tbh)
Can't see the Forest for the...
As we mentioned at the top of the blog, Tomas has been BUSY - I'm talking total revamps of some systems, new additions and features, and even some reconstructing of how you interact with the Ursee compared to how you did during the Evolving Demo.
I managed to steal these totally not giving away anything images from Tomas's laptop whilst he was presenting an award and combined them into a little look into some of the new 'construction inventory' features, as well as how faction allocated commanders and captains will be discovered within the game.

I won't dive too much into these for now, because if you've been watching Tomas socials, you've probably seen a little description of these already, and if you haven't? Well then you can be surprised when we dive more into them later! But rest assured the Ursee is changing in interesting ways for those that think they already have their (Ur)sea legs.
Beauty is in the eye
It wouldn't be a Bulwark update without a new host of some beauty shots taken from the newest build to share with you - featuring new aesthetics and features - so here's a little selection of my favourite that should help keep you sated whilst we wait for the next TOTALLY BIG ANNOUNCEMENT!

Beautiful, as always - honestly can't wait to get the game back into your hands and see what you all come up with!
Finally as a little extra extra treat for making it to the bottom of the blog... What's Kraken?

That's gonna do it for this blog, short and sweet just to let you know that Tomas is doing amazing things and we haven't forgotten you - do keep your eyes peeled for big announcements happening sooner than you think, and as always PLEASE keep sharing every piece of Bulwark content you see out in the wild, and hit those wishlists - they really REALLY help indie devs!
Have a great week!
- Gary from Wired Productions
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