Good afternoon Surveyors - hope you've had a stress free start to 2024!
It's been pretty exciting round these parts, as Tomas moves through the late stages of development and gets to adding / finishing a lot of the features he hinted at in his blog at the start of the month (more on these soon, lots of HOT things to talk about in depth with you)
Debugging you for a second
On top of that however, this week the fine folks at Debug (connoisseurs and evangelists of all things Indie!) announced their 2024 Indie awards - and Bulwark was nominated in their 'Most Anticipated' category!
There are some amazing indies in every category that definitely deserve your awareness and attention - so be sure to go through and check them out and cast your votes (did we mention we kind of think indies are a big deal and you are superstars for supporting them? thanks!) - but if each of you could share your enthusiasm for Bulwark and get a shiny new award for us to stick on the Bulwark Steam page, Tomas would be overjoyed!
Voting is open NOW and can be found here : https://www.teamdebug.com/awards/vote#nominees-most-anticipated
PCGamer <3 Bulwark
Debug aren't the only ones keeping their eyes firmly on Bulwarks sheer cliffs and mesmerizing oceans however - with the folks at PCGamer listing Bulwark alongside their most anticipated building games of 2024.
The article is great, and features some bigger games you're probably aware of, and one or two others that might tickle that building itch whilst you wait to build your bulwark, such as frostpunk 2 and kaiserpunk (lot of punk names in there... maybe we need to give the advisor a mohawk and rebrand as Bulwarkpunk?)
Read more : here

Save the date
Right, that's the chest beating out of the way. Again, thank you for any and all votes you cast for us. I thought we'd wrap up with a little update on timelines and things to come.
Obviously you should all be following Tomas' social account on Twitter (not quite ready to call it X yet) to stay at the bleeding edge of the latest developments and ideas and additions as they fall from his brain onto his dev machine - but for those of you that aren't socially inclined - cast your eyes on his previous blog for the latest implementations that have been added since the end of the Evolving demo.
Whilst I'm not going to 100% drop the date just now - I'm happy to confirm that this month we'll be bringing the demo BACK - in a non-evolving form, with a ton of new features mentioned in that blog included.
The plan is for this demo to be THE demo, non-evolving - with no feature restrictions beyond building count (to control how far you can progress), left live from now all the way to launch and beyond.
Naturally with the fact we announced Bulwark coming to Xbox and PlayStation, the demo will also be playable on these systems, allowing you to paint the landscape from your couch if that's how you prefer.
We'll be planning some talk throughs of the new features in the coming weeks to educate you in advance of how to make the most of your time with the new updated demo - as well as getting some competitions out there to encourage you all to get your creative side out and share the glory of Bulwark with the wider world - but for now, standby, be excited for a new demo and some VERY hot announcements off the back of it (someone say release date?),and thank you all for your support so far.
Right - that's gonna do it for now, have another nice new shiny screenshot as a thank you for making it this far, and don't forget to drop a wishlist if you haven't already - you'll secure a PWERFUL dreadnot naval unit to guard your waters - and of course, help the Steam algorithm gods spread the word of Bulwark far and wide.
Have a great week! We'll be in touch soon!
- Gary, Wired Productions.

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