- storms fade out to the proper color, rather than flickering to another color for a moment
- tower height is less dependent on workers, giving more building freedom and preventing issues in the tutorial
- masts destroy rarely
- added additional Freehouse trader and ship
- added additional Imperial trader and ship
- added wood to a mancer trading captain
- getting training at Treewatch now spawns a post dialogue stamp animation
- ships should not be stop when attacked by a mosaur
- point defense turret made cooler.
- some secret stuff that's not unlockable atm.. edit*** added a few more
- tried to improve the space docked ships give each other
- harbours can be build closer to each other

Aye, your ship is giving me the evil eye.

Noisy cricket
Alright, back to work for me.. And thanks to everyone who has been posting bugs and feedback ;) keep at it.