Thanks for all the wonderful feedback, and apologies for those of you who encountered bugs or issues.
I've been hard at work going thru it all and been beta launching a few patches. And no time like the present and seeing these are fairly minor changes, perhaps best to push it live for all.
Please let me know if anything else pops up so I can fix!. And keep all the user reviews coming, good and bad. it's all getting digested and read!
- limited healcost to a max of 2500 splinters
- limited an ambush demand to a max of 5000 splinters
- fixed the freehous second floor stone tower not spawning
- reverted the window mode back to "fullscreen exclusive" at native resolution the first time you boot. not a fullscreen window.
- fixed some wayward broken rocks westerly on the edge ????
- prevented an error on opening settlement menus that prevented them to open
- fixed resource trade for the Mancer north settlement to be correct to the text
- fixed some things in the initial controller choice menu you get at boot.
- reduced the glow on some GUI icons
- When saving if your dominant faction has changed it will respect that in the scenario slot icon next time. (so no wrong icons on the load screen)