Now that the demo is live and at least for today during the WASD event in London, it feels like a good time to finally add some fresh content!.
Faction Settlements and diplomacy.
So when you play the demo, a chief difference is that you only have 1 extractor of each type. One woodmill, one stonequarry, and one Iron Ore Extractor.
To expand , you will need more, and you will have to either convince some nearby faction settlements to join you, or conquer them. And that is some major new content now playable.
So unlike a random encounter these locations are fixed and have their own flavour text and entirely new menu:

As you can see there are some new elements here. First of there are a nr of fixed options.
Some are dependent on if you are at war or peace (You cannot declare war when at war, fairly basic).
Others are dependent on alignment, you cannot invite a settlement to join you if your are not aligned. Meaning if you are a very pirate aligned settlement other pirates might join you without a fight.
On the left there are also two bars that show how aligned this settlement is with yours and if they are intimidated, intimidation might make a settlement surrender if you are at war with them. intimidation is dependent on your military force.
It's a reasonably simple system and hopefully fairly chill. You get to decide if you want to go to war and how you want to expand, friendly or hostile. Bulwark isn't about presenting a deep challenge but rather making your settlement come alive and going to war and seeing epic battle's erupt across your settlement is just another expression of that.
The demo has a small selection of faction settlements, running south west of the tutorial area. They aren't marked on the map, but that will be in a future update.
Enjoy and this is a fairly fresh feature so let me know if any weirdness occurs.
Also here's a little video of how this all works :