Hello everyone! We’re now just a few days away from Mechabellum’s 1.0 release! Today we want to share more information with you, about the upcoming launch, so you can better prepare for it and know what to expect!
Mechabellum 1.0 content:
Mechabellum’s 1.0 is aimed at introducing a long-anticipated competitive season layer to the game, as well as some overall improvements to the game’s visuals, performance and gameplay experience.
Please note that our developers are hard at work with the 1.0 patch, and some small tweaks might still occur. We'll try to share full patchnotes for the release early next week!
The features will be made available in two waves. After initial server maintenance on September 23rd, and then at the game’s official launch on September 26th.
September 23rd:
Visual Optimization
New Specialists
Inappropriate Content Filtering
Round Countdown
September 26th:
Competitive Seasons
Rank System
Early Access Rewards

Mechabellum 1.0 release schedule:
Launching Mechabellum in 1.0 will require a longer than usual server maintenance. We’ll take the servers offline on September 23rd, for a period of 8 hours, at 5a.m. UTC.

After the maintenance, Mechabellum will be back online with most of the 1.0 features already active, with the exception of Season 1, rank system and Early Access reward. Those will become available at the time of official 1.0 launch, on September 26th, at 3p.m. UTC.

Early Access so far:
Since we released Mechabellum in Early Access in May 2023, we’ve come a long way. We’d like to take a moment to summarize how Mechabellum has changed since then.
In the past 16 months, we’ve added the following to Mechabellum:
All this was of course made possible by you - our players. Your support, regular feedback and participation in our community. Thank you for being with us!
What’s after 1.0?
We want you all to enjoy Mechabellum for a long time. Season 1 of course implies our ambition to do more, and while we’re not ready to discuss our plans in full yet, we want to share a small teaser of a few units already planned for the game after 1.0.

Silhouettes for now, but keep an eye out on YouTube and Twitch next week, as some Mechabellum content creators got their hands on full concept art and will pick it apart on their channels right before 1.0.
Mechabellum release tournament - The Launch Clash:
A reminder that - with the support of our community members - we’re running a special release tournament for Mechabellum! The Launch Clash qualifiers will take place on September 29th and the Tournament Finals on October 6th!

You can read more about the tournament here: Launch Clash Tournament
You can sign up for the qualifiers now, until September 25th, under this link: Launch Clash Qualifiers Signup Form
To receive regular updates about the tournament, join the Mechabellum Discord by clicking the banner below:

The Launch Clash tournament will be streamed on Mechabellum’s Steam Page and other channels. We’ll communicate details as to where to watch it, in the coming days!
Last Early Access Vanguard Tournament:
This Saturday, all Early Access players can participate in the Vanguard Tournament. Last one in Mechabellum’s Early Access. The tournament will take place at the usual weekend tournament time, and players can win unique tournament medals:

New chat filter for 1.0:
With Mechabellum's 1.0, we're introducing a new automated chat filter to the game. Every player will be able to set the filter's strictness on their own. Currently, we intend to have the filter set to "strict" by default, so keep that in mind when playing.
The filter is AI-powered, and a new feature and as such might make some mistakes initially, as it learns and improves. Our team will constantly monitor it and make tweaks where necessary, so if you run into any issues, report them and we'll fix any problems that might occur!
Wrapping up:
We already dropped enough on you today! We’ll talk again as we get close to the game’s full release on September 26th!