As the Mechabellum Early Access continues, we have some exciting times ahead of us! Today we wanted to show you a few things that we hope you’ll find interesting!
New Keyart:
We have a new keyart! Mechabellum was always a game about epic battles between varied armies of war machines, and we wanted our art to better reflect that. If you take a closer look, you might find something cool that will make its way to our game a little later!

New Trailer:
With new keyart, comes a new game trailer! Check it out!
4 Player Free for All Mode:
Next Thursday, May 16th, Mechabellum will receive a major update with a brand new game mode. The 4 player free for all will allow you to participate in battles against multiple opponents, be it humans, AI, or a mix of those. Our developers are working hard on balance and testing the mode as we speak, and we look forward to hearing your impressions and feedback once you try it yourselves! For now, have a look at a work-in-progress shot of the new mode:

Credit to Pastor Druski for the screenshot from the curator program!
The next Curator Program videos:
As some of you might recall, we have a few YouTube and Twitch creators playing pre-release builds of Mechabellum to give you some interesting videos and streams to watch, as we release new game updates. You can look forward to watching some exciting 4 Player Free for All videos from your favorite creators around May 16th!
We’re going to Dreamhack Dallas!
Between May 31st to June 2nd, Mechabellum will be at Dreamhack Dallas! We have a few fun activities ready for the event, but most importantly we hope to see you at our LAN area, where our community manager and our community volunteers will welcome you and play the game together! Make sure to say hi, if you’re at the event!

How we work with feedback:
Finally, we want to share a few words about how we work with your feedback about the game, and whether we read all your comments and reviews. It’s a question a few of you have raised.
Your comments and suggestions are an important part of our Early Access. Without them, we wouldn’t be able to release as many balance altering updates as we do. At the same time, we understand that opinions can vary and sometimes it might feel like some of your suggestions are not being heard. Especially when we change something you didn’t expect, or prioritize adjusting one unit’s balance over another.
Because of that, we want to clarify what we base our decisions on. The data we work with, comes from a few different sources:
- Your comments and reviews. That includes Steam, Discord, YouTube comments etc. Especially your feedback on patchnotes.
- General sentiment analysis conducted by our Community Managers. It can factor in your comments, creator’s videos and streams, discussions across multiple official and fan community channels, reviews etc.
- Through our analysis of win rate and pick rate of all MMR ranges.
- Feedback from our Quality Assurance. A team of professionals that test the game for technical and user experience issues.
It’s with all this information put together that we can make informed decisions. Sometimes a larger picture points us towards making a gameplay change that might go against the impression of a more focused, smaller group of players. That is not to say that the bigger crowd is always right however. In the end that’s why we have a studio of experts in game design and it’s them who interpret your feedback and apply it to their work.
What we want to get across here the most is that we want you to keep giving us feedback. While we can’t always respond to your comments, rest assured we read them and account for your suggestions when working on more updates for our game!
Wrapping up
Thanks for reading! We hope you like what we had to share today and are excited for the next week's update and Mechabellum's future! There is definitely more coming after 4 Player Free for All!