To all our loyal Early Access players:
Thank you for being with us and helping bring Mechabellum to this point. We hope you like your Early Access rewards and look forward to the future, as there is more coming to Mechabellum! Our game couldn't be what it is today without you!
One favor we have to ask of you, is to continue being a welcoming community to the many new players that will join us in the coming days and weeks! Give them some good advice, and help them learn from their wins and loses both!
To our new players, discovering the game now:
Welcome! Stay a while, win some battles, lose some, improve, overcome and help us in continuing to build one of the best competitive gaming communities in the world!
Oh. And hop into our Discord when the mood fancies you, and share any feedback and thoughts you have about Mechabellum!

Mechabellum 1.0 features:
Mechabellum 1.0 wraps up the Early Access by adding the long-awaited rank system, as well as competitive Seasons to the game, plus a few additional features and changes.
Visual Optimization
New Specialists
Inappropriate Content Filtering
Round Countdown
Performance Optimization
Competitive Seasons
Rank System
What's Next?
We'll now spend the next few days processing any feedback, bug reports and similar, and patching them as they pop up, to make sure all of you have a good time with the game. Be fast with reporting anything we could have missed, and we'll try our best to fix it ASAP!
Also, starting today, keep an eye out on YouTube and Twitch for your favorite content creators. There will be a ton of cool videos popping up here and there, with the aim of bringing new players into our fold. Who knows. Maybe you're one of them. >.>
Here's one from one of our favorite tea-addled YouTubers:
We already mentioned we have plans for Mechabellum post 1.0, and teased a few upcoming units. More information will have to wait a bit, so bear with us in the meantime!
Wrapping up
Mechabellum is something unique in its genre. We learned that best working with you all during the Early Access. That's why your feedback was essential in making the best Tactical Wargame we could.
Now we only want to ask you to keep sharing your thoughts with us after the 1.0 release as well! There is a lot more we want to do together with you!
For now though, enjoy Mechabellum 1.0! Outthink your opponents, counter their plays, climb the ranks and claim your well-earned trophies!
See you on the battlefield.