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[Mass testing] Alternative ram damage mechanics and changes to energy of parts
19.02.24 11:00 Community Announcements


Today we would like to bring you a new variant of the ram damage mechanics and the corresponding changes to the parameters of parts, as well as a new perspective on power consumption and how much power generators and cabins should provide.

We remind you that all the new features described in this news are not final and may be changed before they are introduced into the game or may not make it into the game at all. You can familiarize yourself with all the planned changes in detail on the special test server!

Alternative ram damage mechanics

Why are the current mechanics getting changed?

The implementation of the current ram damage mechanics has a number of problems that cause it to be unstable in combat conditions. We won’t go into technical details, but here are a few examples:
  • when colliding at certain angles, enemy parts may not be recognized and the damage will “go nowhere”;
  • ramming at high speed may result in the colliding part not taking damage, while the parts behind it will take damage;
  • the calculation of damage value has an overly strong dependence on speed, which can cause damage to be massive when using boosters.

Therefore, ramming is too often unpredictable for players and can either critically damage the enemy or not damage them at all (especially at high speeds).

We would like to present you with an alternative mechanic, which should work much more consistently in terms of damage implementation (locating the parts) as well as having a narrower range of damage values.

The essence of the new mechanics.

The new mechanics are very similar to how the “big” projectiles deal damage. Now we will simplistically describe how it works and what it depends on.

Now after ramming, an invisible “cylinder” is formed at the point of contact. Enemy parts within this cylinder are sorted as they get farther away from the point of contact, then damage is applied to them sequentially until it is spent or the parts in the queue run out. It works the same way on the enemy’s side as well. This search algorithm eliminates the first 2 problems described in the previous section.

The diameter of the cylinder is individual for both players and depends on the masses of their armoured vehicles. The higher the mass, the larger the “area” of damage will be.

The height of the cylinder and its direction are identical for both players and depend on the difference of their speed vectors (the values of the speeds and their directions relative to each other are taken into account).

Here are a few examples. Lets say the speed of the first player is 100 km/h and the speed of the second player is 50 km/h:
  • Players move towards each other in the same line. During collision the “cylinders” will be directed along the same line, a speed value of 150 km/h (100+50) will go into the calculation of the heights.
  • Player 1 catches up with player 2. As in the first case, they move along the same line. The cylinders will again be directed along this line, but the height will be less, because the speed of 50 km/h (100-50) will go into its calculation.
  • The speeds of the players are directed at an angle relative to each other. Depending on the angle, the height calculation will range from 50 ( the minimum possible when one player catches up with the other) to 150 (a “head-on” collision). The direction of the “cylinder” will also depend on the direction of both speeds.

The final damage value is calculated depending on the mass of the vehicle and how much the speeds of the armoured cars have changed after the collision. For example, if the collision occurred tangentially and the speeds hardly changed, then the total damage will be minor. If the speed of at least one of the players has changed significantly after the collision, the damage will also increase significantly.

Therefore, dealing and taking retaliatory damage will be unique for different vehicles and game situations. Due to the fact that when two players collide, both damage and possible depth of damage calculations the same resulting speed and mass of both players will be taken into account, slower and heavier vehicles will deal more damage, often dealing it in the outer area, while lighter and faster ones will deal less damage, but mostly “along the line” into the interior.

Changes to parts

Due to the changes described above, the parameters of the parts related to the new mechanics have been revised (as the parts with resistance to ram damage now block damage more effectively, and the bonuses to ram damage are more consistently implemented).


On the current game server, ramming and melee damage resistance is a single parameter. We have split them into 2 separate ones to allow for more flexible configuration. Please note that on the test server, the previous resistance only works for ramming damage, and the melee damage resistance has a temporary saw icon.


The parameters shown in brackets are from the game server, and those outside the brackets are shown from the test server.
[expand type=details]


Name PS Durability Mass Resistance to ram damage Resistance to melee damage Letting damage through Bonus to ram damage
Air splitter 35 (28) 70 (72) 113 (110) 85 (80) 70 (80) 30 (0) 25 (10)
“Bully” bumper 40 (35) 59 (68) 74 (72) 80 (80) 65 (80)   50 (10)
Bumper “Catch” 21 (21) 45 (53) 67 (72) 85 (80) 70 (80)   25 (10)
APC bumper (left and right) 52 (49) 148 (155) 314 (336) 90 (80) 75 (80)   10 (10)
Offroader bumper 34 (56) 67 (139) 101 (192) 85 (80) 70 (80) 10 (0) 25 (20)
Buggy bumper 69 (42) 91 (81) 114 (86) 80 (80) 65 (80) 15 (0) 50 (50)
Pioneer's bumper 27 (28) 54 (70) 81 (96) 85 (80) 70 (80) 10 (0) 25 (20)
Bumper Spike 44 (35) 65 (68) 81 (72) 80 (80) 65 (80)   50 (100)
Backend 118 (53) 287 (155) 538 (288) 90 (80) 75 (80)   10 (50)
Veil 48 (32) 131 (97) 262 (194) 90 (80) 75 (80)   10 (10)
Gessan 169 (126) 363 (347) 612 (562) 85 (80) 70 (80)   25 (40)
Shock absorber 44 (77) 94 (132) 165 (202) 85 (80) 70 (80) 25 (25) 25 (10)
Flayer 48 (42) 84 (95) 116 (115) 80 (80) 65 (80)   50 (50)
Nibbler 29 (32) 52 (71) 72 (86) 80 (80) 65 (80)   50 (40)
Terribull bar 59 (102) 131 (161) 262 (324) 90 (80) 75 (80) 35 (0) 10 (20)
Bullbar 74 (49) 90 (95) 113 (101) 80 (80) 65 (80) 30 (0) 50 (50)
Icebreaker 288 (471) 639 (698) 1159 (1242) 90 (80) 75 (80)   10 (40)
Mariposa 29 (28) 63 (75) 103 (115) 85 (80) 70 (80) 15 (0) 25 (10)
Stranglehold 40 (35) 72 (79) 99 (96) 80 (80) 65 (80)   50 (50)
Mengu 68 (68) 155 (183) 262 (296) 85 (80) 70 (80)   25 (40)
Nostrils 40 (37) 76 (92) 114 (126) 85 (80) 70 (80) 15 (0) 25 (15)
Defensive perimeter 40 (42) 116 (133) 246 (288) 90 (80) 75 (80)   10 (10)
Small plow 76 (155) 166 (216) 269 (492) 85 (80) 70 (80)   25 (10)
Train plow 161 (300) 403 (416) 806 (952) 90 (80) 75 (80)   10 (10)
Freight train plow 337 (546) 807 (857) 1613 (1728) 90  (80) 75 (80)   10 (50)
Pole position 44 (46) 65 (89) 81 (94) 80 (80) 65 (80)   50 (10)
The Omen 29 (32) 52 (71) 72 (86) 80 (80) 65 (80)   50 (20)
Frontal Protection System 20 (25) 26 (47) 33 (50) 80 (80) 65 (80) 30 (0) 50 (100)
Screener 50 (83) 107 (141) 188 (216) 85 (80) 70 (80) 25 (25) 25 (10)
Snow plow 186 (328) 426 (429) 773 (864) 90 (80) 75 (80)   10 (10)
Snow cutter left/right 76 (137) 185 (203) 336 (360) 90 (80) 75 (80)   10 (40)
Sentry line 44 (39) 127 (122) 269 (264) 90 (80) 75 (80)   10 (10)
Puncher 101 (84) 140 (163) 175 (173) 80 (80) 65 (80)   50 (50)
Impact bumper 40 (66) 91 (119) 160 (202) 80 (70) 65 (70) 15 (25) 50 (120)
Defence line 29 (28) 84 (89) 179 (192) 90 (80) 75 (80)   10 (10)
Fuselage 131 (98) 273 (262) 444 (403) 85 (80) 70 (80)   25 (50)
Haraate 101 (77) 225 (212) 379 (343) 85 (80) 70 (80)   25 (40)
Cranium 32 (28) 69 (55) 121 (58) 85 (80) 70 (80) 30 (0) 25 (10)

The following structural parts have also been transferred to the “bumpers” section:
[expand type=details]

Name PS Durability Mass Resistance to ram damage Resistance to melee damage Letting damage through Bonus to ram damage
Boar 101 169 233 80 65   50
Hull back 101 233 408 85 70   25
Torino rear 44 89 134 85 70   25
Mempo 96 155 262 85 70 50 25
“Bully” nosecut 21 32 40 80 65   50
“Furia” nosecut 44 89 134 85 70   25
Corrida nosecut 114 240 390 85 70   25
Torino nosecut 68 135 202 85 70   25
Flaming rakes 44 79 108 80 65   50
Tanko 44 104 175 85 70   25
Frontend 110 262 502 90 75   10
Haidate 40 69 116 85 70 50 25
Devilry 72 124 170 80 65   50


Passive melee weapons

[expand type=details]

Name PS Durability Mass Resistance to ram damage Resistance to melee damage Letting damage through Bonus to ram damage
Twin BladeWing 38 (34) 76 (56) 106 (86) 80 (90) 55 (90) 25 (25) 100 (200)
Large thorn 32 (56) 51 (80) 60 (96) 75 (90) 50 (90) 25 (25) 150 (200)
Small thorn 7 (14) 13 (20) 15 (24) 75 (90) 50 (90) 25 (25) 150 (200)
Medium thorn 15 (28) 25 (40) 30 (48) 75 (90) 50 (90) 25 (25) 150 (200)
BladeWing 18 (17) 38 (28) 53 (43) 80 (90) 55 (90) 25 (25) 100 (200)
Cutter 10 (22) 20 (40) 35 (67) 75 (80) 50 (80) 25 (25) 150 (300)
Incisor 24 (28) 53 (50) 79 (84) 80 (90) 55 (90) 25 (25) 100 (200)
Hatchet 22 (12) 46 (31) 59 (42) 80 (90) 55 (90)   100 (200)
Left/right flail 42 (24) 120 (76) 218 (165) 85 (90) 60 (90)   50 (200)
Pipetooth 21 (19) 34 (44) 40 (53) 75 (90) 50 (90) 25 (0) 150 (200)
King of birds 67 (84) 131 (209) 168 (288) 80 (90) 55 (90)   100 (200)


Other parts

Cerberus, Bastion, Tracks, ML 200, Bigram, Shiv and Shiv (ST), Meat grinder:
  • Added 50% resistance to melee damage.

Gerrida I:
  • Added 25% resistance to melee damage.

  • bonus to ram damage reduced from 200 to 100%.
  • changed the collision of the front part of the cabin for more stable realization of the ram.
  • bonus from one charge of the perk reduced from 60 to 40%.
  • the distance for one perk charge reduced from 100 to 80 m.

  • resistance to ram damage increased from 25% to 35%.
  • Added 25% resistance to melee damage.

  • added 60% resistance to melee damage.
  • bonus to ram damage reduced from 200 to 150%.

  • added 60% resistance to melee damage.
  • bonus to ram damage reduced from 250 to 150%.

  • added 60% resistance to melee damage.
  • bonus to ram damage reduced from 200 to 150%.

Borer, Buzzsaw, Lacerator, Mauler, Harvester, Charybdis:
  • Added 50% resistance to melee damage.


We would like to change the ram mechanics in the next updates, so we ask you to test as many game situations as possible (collisions with cars of different masses and speeds, with and without bumpers and passive melee weapons) and share your feedback with us. This will be very helpful in subsequent adjustment of parameters of both the mechanics and the parts.
  • Please describe the situations in which you think too much / too little damage was inflicted after the collision (approximate mass, speeds, what parts collided, whether the collision was “head-on”, “tangential”, angled, and any other details you consider necessary).
  • Do you find the performance of ramming more stable relative to the game servers? Have you noticed any errors / illogicalities in its work?
  • How do you feel about parameter changes related to parts ramming? Do you feel it is necessary to convert the above list of structural parts into bumpers?

Changes in energy consumption and energy supply

Please note that this change is experimental. At this time, we have no plans to introduce it into the game as part of one of the upcoming updates. Its future fate will depend on the results of testing and further refinement.

At the moment, 1 unit of energy is a too significant value relative to the total energy limit. This problem becomes particularly apparent among hardware, the majority of which consumes 1 energy, even though the modules themselves are not equivalent to each other. Some of the modules have a strong effect and making it weaker can make it simply redundant, and increasing the power consumption to 2 units can make it weak. The other modules are too situational and therefore hardly used. In their case, amplifying the effect would not remedy the situation in any way, and removing energy consumption would force the restrictions or negative effects to be imposed.

We would like to test the changes, the essence of which is that all energy values (that both provide energy and consume it) would be doubled and then some of them would be increased or decreased by 1 unit.

In this form, 1 unit of energy would be equivalent to 0.5 units of energy on current game servers, which would allow assigning a more fair energy consumption to a part relative to its efficiency and diversifying builds.

What has changed?

The changes are primarily related to modules and cabins. All weapons and modules not listed below have had their energy drain doubled (some of them may have had their power scores slightly changed). The values before the changes are indicated in brackets.


Currently, lightweight and medium cabins give the same amount of energy, while heavy cabins give 1 unit less. We would like to test a variant in which lightweight cabs have 1 unit. (0.5 in the old system) more than medium cabins, and heavy ones have 1 unit of energy less than medium ones. We’ve also changed the progression of how much energy cabins give depending on their rarity.
[expand type=details]

Rarity Light Medium Heavy
Common 21 (10) 20 (10) 19 (9)
Rare 22 (11) 21 (11) 20 (10)
Special 23 (11) 22 (11) 21 (10)
Epic 24 (12) 23 (12) 22 (11)
Legendary 25 (12) 24 (12) 23 (11)



We invite you to test a variant in which heavy generators give 1 unit more energy than light generators. In order to keep all generators relevant in battles, we have made changes to their parameters.
[expand type=details]

Rarity Name Energy PS More
Rare Big G 2 (1) 130 (150)  
Special Ampere 4 (2) 380 (410) Durability: 65 (45)
Special PU-1 Charge 5 (2) 475 (410) Mass: 576 (445)
Epic Gasgen 6 (3) 840 (870) Durability: 105 (72)
Epic Bootstrap 7 (3) 980 (870) Mass: 765 (600)
Legendary Thor-6S 8 (4) 1600 (1600)  
Legendary Apollo 9 (4) 1800 (1600)  
Relic Odin 10 (5) 3000 (3000) Mass: 715 (874)



An important change would be the addition of a progression of hardware energy drain within the same type. Since there is now no change in power consumption as rarity increases, the lower rarity counterparts are much less in demand than their advanced versions. With this change, it will be more difficult to mount “all the best” on the car, and the players have to make compromises and experiment by replacing some parts with the counterparts of lower rarities.
[expand type=details]

Type Rarity Name Power consumption PS More
Engine Special Hardcore 0 (0) 95 (157)  
Engine Special Dun horse 1 (1) 95 (190)  
Engine Special Razorback 1 (1) 95 (190)  
Engine Epic Hot red 0 (0) 280 (275)  
Engine Epic Cheetah 2 (1) 280 (275)  
Engine Epic Colossus 2 (1) 280 (275)  
Engine Epic Golden eagle 2 (1) 280 (275)  
Engine Epic Oppressor 2 (1) 280 (275)  
Engine Legendary Pegasus 3 (1) 600 (400) Power bonus: 50% (40%) Speed
bonus: 12% (10%)
Engine Legendary Fin whale 3 (1) 600 (400)  
Radiators Common R-1 Breeze 1 (1) 45 (85)  
Radiators Rare R-2 Chill 1 (1) 65 (130)  
Radiators Epic RN Seal 2 (1) 280 (400)  
Coolers Rare CS Taymyr 1 (1) 65 (130)  
Coolers Epic Shiver 2 (1) 280 (400)  
Detectors Special Maxwell 1 (1) 95 (190) Enemy detection and recon data transfer radius: 250m (300m)
Range of detecting enemies in cover: 200m (250m)
Mine detection radius: 15m (16m)
Detectors Epic Doppler 2 (1) 280 (275)  
Position finders Special Oculus VI 1 (1) 95 (190)  
Position finders Epic Verifier 2 (1) 280 (275)  
Invisibility Special Chameleon 1 (1) 95 (190) Active time: 5 sec (6 sec)
Invisibility Epic Chameleon Mk2 2 (1) 280 (275)  
Invisibility Legendary Yeti 3 (1) 600 (400) Invisibility reserve: 35 sec (30 sec)
Recharge boosters Special KA-1 Discharger 1 (1) 95 (190) Efficiency: 10% (15%)
Recharge boosters Epic Flywheel 2 (1) 280 (400)  
Boosters Common B-1 Aviator 1 (1) 45 (85) Increases damage with Cockpit by 3% instead of 5%
Boosters Rare Blastoff 1 (1) 65 (130) Increases damage with Cockpit by 6% instead of 10%
Boosters Epic Hermes 2 (1) 280 (275)  
Scopes Rare TS-1 Horizon 0 (0) 65 (130)  
Scopes Special Iris 1 (0) 95 (190) Mounting restriction removed
Scopes Epic Neutrino 0 (0) 280 (275)  
Special Common Car jack 1 (0) 45 (65) Instead of decreasing speed and power when used, it increases power. Mounting restriction removed
Special Epic Argus 1 (1) 140 (275)  
Special Epic Tormentor 5 (2) 700 (550)  
Special Epic Interceptor 1 (1) 140 (275)  
Special Epic Daze 7 (3) 980 (825)  
Special Epic Power unit 5 (2) 700 (550)  
Special Legendary Omamori 3 (1) 600  



[expand type=details]

Name Power consumption PS More
Parser 9 (4) 1800 (1600) Durability: 330 (290)
Avenger 57mm 9 (4) 405 (340)  
Avalanche 23 (12) 4600 (4800)  
Yongwang 19 (9) 2660 (2475) Perk: 6% (12%)
Snowfall 9 (5) 1260 (1375)  
Heather 15 (7) 3000 (2800)  
Mandrake 13 (7) 2600 (2800)  
Trombone 5 (2) 700 (550) Heating: 40% (30%)
Nest 9 (5) 1260 (1375)  
Varun 13 (7) 1820 (1925)  
Porcupine 7 (3) 2100 (1800)  
Kapkan 5 (2) 700 (550)  
King 7 (3) 980 (825)  
Kaiju 23 (12) 4600 (4800)  
Enlightenment 1 (1) 140 (275)  
Summator 7 (4) 665 (760)  
Argument 7 (4) 980 (1100)  
Borer 5 (2) 325 (260)  
Buzzsaw 5 (2) 475 (380)  
Mauler 7 (3) 980 (825)  
Lacerator 7 (3) 980 (825)  
Charybdis 7 (3) 1400 (1200)  



We understand that such changes may cause some vehicles to become unavailable, but these tweaks can potentially increase the diversity of builds in the future. We ask you to build vehicles of different PS levels on a test server and upload them to the exhibition, and then give detailed feedback based on the results.
  • In general, do you like the idea of energy scaling?
  • Do you agree with the changes to cabins, generators, modules and weapons? If you agree partially, please specify what you don’t like about them.
  • What can you suggest us to change additionally?

How to get to the test server?

[expand type=details]
If you have already participated in testing on a special server, then it will be enough to start the Launcher from the folder with the test client and wait for the update to complete.
  • Create a new folder for the game on your hard drive.
  • Download the Launcher from this link. The file name should not contain numbers indicating that the file is a duplicate. Please note that you should launch the file that does not contain any digits (1), (2), etc. in its name. If, when starting the installed launcher, you get to the live game servers, you need to delete all downloaded launchers from the download folder and try again.
  • Start the Launcher and install the game to the folder you created (for example: D:\Public test\Crossout).
  • After the installation is complete, start the Launcher and enter the game with your username and password.
  • The whole progress of your main account will be transferred to the main server (including parts in storage and levels of reputation in factions).
  • After logging into the server, to transfer progress from your account, press the “Esc” key and select “Copy account data”.
  • Please note the schedule of the test server:
  • [list]
  • Thursday, February 22, 2024 from 13:00 to 19:00 (GMT time)
  • Friday, February 23, 2024 from 13:00 to 19:00 (GMT time)
  • Saturday, February 24, 2024 from 13:00 to 19:00 (GMT time)
  • Sunday, February 25, 2024 from 13:00 to 19:00 (GMT time)

  • Then we plan to introduce some adjustments and additional changes, based on the results of the 1st stage of testing. The testing will continue:
    • Friday, March 1, 2024 from 13:00 to 19:00 (GMT time)
    • Saturday, March 2, 2024 from 13:00 to 19:00 (GMT time)
    • Sunday, March 3, 2024 from 13:00 to 19:00 (GMT time)

  • Any progress you make on the test server will not be transferred to the live game servers (INCLUDING ATTEMPTS TO BUY PACKS).
  • [/list]
    After testing the changes, we invite you to leave your constructive feedback on the planned rework in the comments to this news.

    The public test server is intended only for testing of the upcoming update, and may not accommodate all players without exception. However, absolutely anyone can join the server, as long as there are free spots.

    For more information on Crossout, follow these channels:
    Logo for Crossout
    Release:30.05.2017 Genre: Rennspiel Entwickler: Targem Games Vertrieb: Gaijin Entertainment Engine:keine Infos Kopierschutz:keine Infos Franchise:keine Infos
    Einzelspieler Mehrspieler Koop

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    “FInd a treasure!” contest
    15.11.24 15:00 Community Announcements
    Начался «Пернатый замес»!
    14.11.24 09:03 Community Announcements
    What to expect in the upcoming November update
    13.11.24 10:00 Community Announcements
    Treacherous Wasteland: places with the highest destruction counts
    08.11.24 10:00 Community Announcements
    The developer team answers for the Q&A session about balance in Crossout. Part 2
    07.11.24 12:00 Community Announcements
    The “Big races” brawl is already available!
    07.11.24 09:00 Community Announcements
    Weapons upgrades at a reduced cost!
    05.11.24 12:00 Community Announcements
    The next “Battle for uranium” stage is already available!
    04.11.24 07:00 Community Announcements
    Hardware and movement parts upgrades at a reduced cost!
    02.11.24 12:00 Community Announcements
    Balance changes planned for the next update. Adjustments
    02.11.24 10:00 Community Announcements
    Balance changes planned for the next update. Adjustments
    01.11.24 10:07 Community Announcements
    Operation “Red light” returns!
    31.10.24 08:29 Community Announcements
    Cabins upgrades at a reduced cost!
    30.10.24 12:00 Community Announcements
    Crossout art
    30.10.24 08:00 Community Announcements
    Crossout packs for PC on sale from the Gaijin publisher!
    29.10.24 14:40 Community Announcements
    BlazeRush celebrates its 10th anniversary!
    28.10.24 09:02 Community Announcements
    The “Treasure seekers” event and the “Steel troopers” brawl are available!
    24.10.24 09:32 Community Announcements
    Halloween activities for Discord
    23.10.24 13:00 Community Announcements
    Small update, October 23, 2024
    23.10.24 07:30 Community Announcements
    What’s coming this week, October 21–27
    21.10.24 13:00 Community Announcements
    [Mass testing] Balance changes planned for the next update
    21.10.24 10:00 Community Announcements
    The next “Battle for uranium” stage is already available!
    21.10.24 08:00 Community Announcements
    Сессия Q&A с разработчиками на тему баланса в Crossout
    18.10.24 10:00 Community Announcements
    Crossout: Steel troopers
    17.10.24 06:29 Community Announcements
    Crossout development roadmap. Autumn and winter of 2024
    16.10.24 10:00 Community Announcements
    The “Kaiju” brawl is already available!
    10.10.24 06:30 Community Announcements
    The rating loss in the “Clan wars” mode last week
    09.10.24 13:00 Community Announcements
    What to expect in the upcoming October update
    09.10.24 10:00 Community Announcements
    50% bonus to the reputation earned!
    04.10.24 12:00 Community Announcements
    The “Enemy in reflection” brawl is back!
    03.10.24 08:00 Community Announcements
    Small update, 03.10.2024
    03.10.24 07:30 Community Announcements
    New Crossout website!
    01.10.24 11:30 Community Announcements
    Битва за уран возвращается!
    30.09.24 09:30 Community Announcements
    Small poll for players
    26.09.24 12:00 Community Announcements
    The “Walking on gold” event and the “Firefight” brawl are already available!
    26.09.24 10:02 Community Announcements
    Small update, September 26, 2024
    26.09.24 06:30 Community Announcements
    Results of “Find a treasure!” Contest
    25.09.24 15:00 Community Announcements
    “Way to the top” location panorama
    25.09.24 10:00 Community Announcements
    Next step: desktop wallpapers
    24.09.24 10:00 Community Announcements
    New main theme for the game
    23.09.24 11:01 Community Announcements
    “FInd a treasure!” contest
    20.09.24 13:00 Community Announcements
    Twitch Drops are Back!
    19.09.24 11:00 Community Announcements
    Crossout: Next step. Balance changes
    19.09.24 10:09 Community Announcements
    Crossout: Next step
    19.09.24 10:08 Community Announcements
    Results of “Find a treasure!” Contest
    18.09.24 11:02 Community Announcements
    Packs sale on PC
    17.09.24 08:50 Community Announcements
    Livestream with the developers. A closer look at the new season
    16.09.24 18:00 Community Announcements
    Packs sale on PC
    16.09.24 17:00 Community Announcements
    Coming this week! September 16—September 22
    16.09.24 08:09 Community Announcements
    “FInd a treasure!” contest
    13.09.24 13:00 Community Announcements
    The “Ice championship” has begun!
    12.09.24 09:00 Community Announcements
    New mecha season in Crossout. Part 3
    11.09.24 10:00 Community Announcements
    Treacherous Wasteland: places with the highest destruction counts
    10.09.24 10:00 Community Announcements
    Coming this week! September 9—September 15
    09.09.24 08:19 Community Announcements
    Second phase of the mass testing of the balance changes in the upcoming season
    06.09.24 12:00 Community Announcements
    New mecha season in Crossout. Part 2
    05.09.24 10:00 Community Announcements
    The “Sea battle” brawl is now available!
    05.09.24 07:16 Community Announcements
    The “Speed demon” deluxe and lite editions will soon become unavailable!
    03.09.24 12:00 Community Announcements
    [Mass testing] Planned balance changes in the upcoming season
    30.08.24 10:00 Community Announcements
    New mecha season in Crossout. Part 1
    29.08.24 10:00 Community Announcements
    The “Steel championship” brawl is already available!
    29.08.24 06:56 Community Announcements
    What awaits us this week 26.08 — 1.09
    26.08.24 09:25 Community Announcements
    Crossout: Echoes of war
    22.08.24 06:20 Community Announcements
    Crossout Art
    21.08.24 10:00 Community Announcements
    Clash of engineers: Crown jewel. Winners
    20.08.24 10:00 Community Announcements
    50% bonus to the reputation earned!
    16.08.24 12:00 Community Announcements
    What to expect in the upcoming August update
    15.08.24 11:00 Community Announcements
    The “At gunpoint” brawl is now available!
    15.08.24 08:04 Community Announcements
    Free workbenches of selected factions!
    09.08.24 12:00 Community Announcements
    The “Speed demon” packs and the “Wheels of fortune” brawl are already available!
    08.08.24 09:29 Community Announcements
    Treacherous Wasteland: places with highest destruction counts
    06.08.24 10:00 Community Announcements
    Free workbenches of selected factions!
    02.08.24 12:00 Community Announcements
    The “Impulsiveness” brawls is already available!
    01.08.24 10:00 Community Announcements
    The “Rundown” event and the “Taming the dragon” raid are already available!
    25.07.24 08:37 Community Announcements
    Results of “Find a treasure!” Contest
    24.07.24 12:01 Community Announcements
    [Developer blog] Legs? Legs!
    24.07.24 10:00 Community Announcements
    Small update, July 24, 2024
    24.07.24 07:36 Community Announcements
    [Announcement] QA with the developers. July 2024
    23.07.24 10:00 Community Announcements
    [Contest] Clash of engineers: Crown jewel
    22.07.24 12:00 Community Announcements
    “Catch a treasure!” contest
    19.07.24 15:00 Community Announcements
    Last chance to purchase the “The Patron” and “The Keeper” at a 60% discount
    18.07.24 13:00 Community Announcements
    Crossout: Rundown
    18.07.24 07:50 Community Announcements
    What to expect in the upcoming July update
    10.07.24 10:00 Community Announcements
    Weapons upgrades at a reduced cost!
    04.07.24 12:00 Community Announcements
    Treacherous Wasteland: places with highest destruction counts
    03.07.24 10:00 Community Announcements
    Balance changes planned for the upcoming update
    02.07.24 12:27 Community Announcements
    Cabins upgrades at a reduced cost!
    01.07.24 12:00 Community Announcements
    Crossout Art — July 2054
    01.07.24 10:00 Community Announcements
    Hardware and movement parts upgrades at a reduced cost!
    28.06.24 12:00 Community Announcements
    Packs summer sale on PC
    27.06.24 17:00 Community Announcements
    Operation “Radiance” starts soon!
    26.06.24 13:00 Community Announcements
    50% bonus to the reputation earned!
    21.06.24 12:00 Community Announcements
    The operations against the Ravagers and the new “Mind hunt” event
    20.06.24 09:12 Community Announcements
    Small update, 20.06.2024
    20.06.24 07:43 Community Announcements
    Results of “Billiardball Candlestick” Contest
    17.06.24 14:20 Community Announcements
    Mini Contest “Billiardball Candlestick”
    15.06.24 15:00 Community Announcements
    Results of “❓❗????” Contest
    15.06.24 14:00 Community Announcements
    Treacherous Wasteland: places with highest destruction counts
    14.06.24 10:00 Community Announcements
    Mini Contest «❓❗????»
    13.06.24 14:00 Community Announcements
    Results of “Right or wrong?” Contest
    13.06.24 12:35 Community Announcements
    Small update 13.06.2024
    13.06.24 06:52 Community Announcements
    Brotherhood stronghold: location panorama
    11.06.24 10:53 Community Announcements
    Mini Contest “Right or wrong?”
    10.06.24 15:00 Community Announcements
    Results of “What's this part?” Contest
    10.06.24 11:37 Community Announcements
    Exhibition optimization and deleting certain blueprints
    10.06.24 10:00 Community Announcements
    The “Lucifer” rocket launcher is temporarily blocked in PvP-modes
    10.06.24 07:01 Community Announcements
    Mini Contest “What's this part?”
    08.06.24 15:00 Community Announcements
    Results of “Who?” Contest
    07.06.24 12:00 Community Announcements
    Ravagers Ascension: desktop wallpapers
    07.06.24 10:00 Community Announcements
    [Announcement] Twitch Drops are Back!
    06.06.24 15:00 Community Announcements
    Crossout: Ravagers Ascension
    06.06.24 07:12 Community Announcements
    Crossout: Ravagers Ascension. Energy System Changes
    06.06.24 06:19 Community Announcements
    Mini Contest “Who?”
    05.06.24 15:00 Community Announcements
    [Announcement] Livestream with the developers. A closer look at the new season
    04.06.24 12:00 Community Announcements
    Crossout Art — June 2054
    03.06.24 10:59 Community Announcements
    Results of “PDM” Contest
    02.06.24 14:25 Community Announcements
    Removing upgrades from parts
    31.05.24 12:00 Community Announcements
    Results of “What's this trial?” mini-contest
    30.05.24 15:00 Community Announcements
    Gift for every player in honor of the 9th anniversary of Crossout!
    30.05.24 12:00 Community Announcements
    [Announcement] Battle for uranium
    30.05.24 10:00 Community Announcements
    [Contest] “What's this trial?”
    28.05.24 15:00 Community Announcements
    Results of “What's this map?” mini-contest
    28.05.24 11:00 Community Announcements
    [Announcement] Balance changes and other changes in the new season
    27.05.24 12:19 Community Announcements
    Mini Contest “What's this map?”
    26.05.24 10:39 Community Announcements
    [Developer blog] New ravaging season in Crossout. Part 3
    24.05.24 10:00 Community Announcements
    Crossout: Crossout Day
    24.05.24 09:19 Community Announcements
    Treacherous Wasteland: places with highest destruction counts
    22.05.24 10:00 Community Announcements
    [Developer blog] Crossout turns 9!
    21.05.24 10:00 Community Announcements
    [Developer blog] New ravaging season in Crossout. Part 2
    16.05.24 10:02 Community Announcements
    Treacherous Wasteland: places with highest destruction counts
    15.05.24 10:51 Community Announcements
    [Announcement] Crossout Art — May 2054
    13.05.24 10:00 Community Announcements
    [Developer blog] New ravaging season in Crossout. Part 1
    08.05.24 11:00 Community Announcements
    [Sale] Premium subscriptions for 30 and 90 days are available with a discount!
    06.05.24 12:00 Community Announcements
    Free workbenches of factions!
    03.05.24 12:00 Community Announcements
    [Announcement] Clash of engineers: Cars for Foxy. Winners
    01.05.24 10:00 Community Announcements
    [Announcement] The “Foreshadowing” event has already begun!
    25.04.24 08:31 Community Announcements
    Results of “Find a treasure!” Contest
    24.04.24 12:00 Community Announcements
    Small update, 24.04.2024
    24.04.24 08:29 Community Announcements
    [Mass testing] Changes to the system of energy
    22.04.24 10:52 Community Announcements
    “Catch a treasure!” contest
    20.04.24 09:00 Community Announcements
    [Announcement] New photo mode with Nvidia Ansel support
    19.04.24 10:00 Community Announcements
    Clash of Engineers: Сars for Foxy
    18.04.24 14:27 Community Announcements
    Crossout: Enemy in reflection
    18.04.24 07:07 Community Announcements
    [Developer blog] What to expect in the upcoming April update
    12.04.24 10:00 Community Announcements
    [Announcement] New “Ronin” packs are now available on all platforms!
    11.04.24 09:02 Community Announcements
    [Announcement] Planned balance changes
    09.04.24 10:38 Community Announcements
    Free rental of the “Nomads,” “Lunatics” and “Dawn’s children” workbenches!
    05.04.24 12:00 Community Announcements
    Results of “What's this map?” Contest
    02.04.24 13:00 Community Announcements
    [Announcement] Crossout Art — April 2054
    02.04.24 10:00 Community Announcements
    [Update] Crossout: Firestarters strike back
    01.04.24 10:16 Community Announcements
    The “Wasteland of Wonders” promotion has begun!
    01.04.24 07:30 Community Announcements
    [Contest] “What's this map?”
    30.03.24 13:00 Community Announcements
    Easter in Crossout
    29.03.24 08:32 Community Announcements
    Small update, 27.03.2024
    27.03.24 06:16 Community Announcements
    [Stories] Following Lloyd’s trail
    26.03.24 10:00 Community Announcements
    Fix for Dragonfly (lite) pack
    25.03.24 11:14 Community Announcements
    Crossout: Dronapocalypse
    21.03.24 06:30 Community Announcements
    Results of “Catch a treasure!” Contest
    20.03.24 10:00 Community Announcements
    “Catch a treasure!” contest
    15.03.24 13:00 Community Announcements
    Spring packs sale
    14.03.24 17:01 Community Announcements
    [Special] Reduced upgrade cost for hardware and movement parts!
    13.03.24 12:15 Community Announcements
    [Announcement] Temporary pack “Polar explorer: Green expedition” is available
    11.03.24 12:11 Community Announcements
    [Special] Reduced upgrade cost for cabins!
    06.03.24 12:00 Community Announcements
    [Mass testing] Ram damage and changes to energy of parts.
    01.03.24 13:00 Community Announcements
    [Announcement] Crossout Art — March 2054
    29.02.24 10:00 Community Announcements
    Results of “What's this map?” Contest
    27.02.24 13:00 Community Announcements
    [Contest] “What's this map?”
    24.02.24 14:00 Community Announcements
    [Announcement] Ram damage and changes to energy of parts.
    22.02.24 13:00 Community Announcements
    [Announcement] Premium subscription as a gift!
    22.02.24 12:00 Community Announcements
    [Announcement] The “Following Lloyd’s trail” event has already begun!
    22.02.24 07:20 Community Announcements
    [Mass testing] Alternative ram damage mechanics and changes to energy of parts
    19.02.24 11:00 Community Announcements
    [Announcement] The “Dragonfly” packs are already available!
    15.02.24 07:00 Community Announcements
    [Announcement] A new temporary raid “Northern justice” is now available!
    15.02.24 06:00 Community Announcements
    [Update] Small update, 14.02.2024
    14.02.24 06:09 Community Announcements
    New track for the garage
    13.02.24 13:00 Community Announcements
    [Special] A new promotion “Wasteland of Wonders” has begun!
    12.02.24 08:19 Community Announcements
    [Announcement] Crossout: Frostbite Assault. Video
    10.02.24 11:00 Community Announcements
    New main theme for the game
    09.02.24 15:00 Community Announcements
    [Announcement] Frostbite Assault: new desktop wallpapers
    09.02.24 10:00 Community Announcements
    [Announcement] Twitch Drops are Back!
    08.02.24 15:00 Community Announcements
    [Update] Crossout: Frostbite Assault
    08.02.24 06:11 Community Announcements
    Crossout: Frostbite Assault. Changes in parameters of parts and co-drivers
    08.02.24 06:10 Community Announcements
    Results of “Find a treasure!” Contest
    07.02.24 12:00 Community Announcements
    [Announcement] Temporary issues with the game's servers
    06.02.24 16:04 Community Announcements
    [Announcement] First Look Into Frostbite Assault!
    05.02.24 16:08 Community Announcements
    “Find a treasure!” contest
    02.02.24 15:01 Community Announcements
    [Special] Reduced upgrade cost for weapons!
    02.02.24 12:00 Community Announcements
    [Developer blog] Return of Hyperborea. Part 3
    01.02.24 10:00 Community Announcements
    [Announcement] The season “Sky Raiders” will end soon!
    31.01.24 13:00 Community Announcements
    [Announcement] Crossout Art — February 2054
    31.01.24 10:00 Community Announcements
    31.01.24 09:00 Community Announcements
    30.01.24 10:06 Community Announcements
    Temporary problems with market access and in-game coin balances
    30.01.24 09:28 Community Announcements
    [Special] Reduced upgrade cost for cabins!
    29.01.24 12:00 Community Announcements
    [Announcement] Mass testing of balance changes has already begun!
    26.01.24 13:00 Community Announcements
    [Special] Reduced upgrade cost for hardware and movement parts!
    25.01.24 12:00 Community Announcements
    [Announcement] Planned balance changes
    22.01.24 10:00 Community Announcements
    [Special] 50% bonus to the reputation earned!
    19.01.24 12:00 Community Announcements
    [Announcement] The “In the grip of ice” event has already begun!
    18.01.24 07:30 Community Announcements
    [Developer blog] Return of Hyperborea. Part 2
    17.01.24 10:00 Community Announcements
    16.01.24 10:00 Community Announcements
    Results of “Find a treasure!” Contest
    14.01.24 17:00 Community Announcements
    [Announcement] Clash of Engineers: A vehicle for Gronch. Winners
    12.01.24 11:00 Community Announcements
    “Find a treasure!” contest
    11.01.24 13:00 Community Announcements
    [Developer blog] Return of Hyperborea. Part 1
    11.01.24 10:00 Community Announcements
    Results of «❓❗????» Contest
    08.01.24 13:00 Community Announcements
    [Contest] «❓❗????»
    06.01.24 13:00 Community Announcements