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Balance changes planned for the upcoming update
02.07.24 12:27 Community Announcements

Hello! The second half of July will bring a new update that will have a number of certain necessary balance changes. Today, we would like to share some details on those changes with you.

We would like to remind you that: all the balance changes described in this news are not final and may be changed before they are introduced into the game or may not be implemented into the game at all. Some additional changes could be made after the publishing of this announcement if needed.

Rotation speed is planned to be increased for a number of weapons:

  • “MG13 Equalizer” and “MG14 Arbiter”: by 44%.
  • “Miller”, “Reaper”, “Spike-1” and “Toadfish”: by 58%.
  • “AC43 Rapier”, “AC50 Storm”, “AC72 Whirlwind”, “AC80 Stillwind” and “Yokai”: by 42%.
  • “AC62 Therm” and “AC64 Joule”: by 17%.
  • “Tempest”, “Whirl” and “Astraeus”: by 60%.
  • “Cyclone”: by 36%.
  • “Little Boy 6LB”, “ZS-33 Hulk” and “ZS-34 Fat Man”: by 71%.
  • “Elephant”: by 50%.
  • “ZS-46 Mammoth”, “ZS-52 Mastodon”, “Phoenix”, “Synthesis”, “Prometheus V” and “Helios”: by 100%.
  • “Median” and “Varun”: by 40%.
  • “Waltz” and “RL-9 Helicon”: by 47%.
  • “Narwhal”: by 114%.
  • “Jotun” and “Aurora”: by 25%.
  • “Quasar” and “Pulsar”: by 75%.
  • “Trigger”: by 18%.
  • “Destructor”: by 12%.
  • “Blockchain”: by 8%.
  • “Assembler”: by 22%.
Comment: low rotation speed is an outdated weapon balancing mechanic that affects only the vehicles with wheels or tracks. Therefore, many of the weapons that use this mechanic are only used in combination with the “Oppressor”. The increase to the rotation speed of most of the weapons will allow players to utilize them efficiently in combination with other engines and movement parts that don’t strafe. And using the “Oppressor” will now make the rotation of the weapons as comfortable as possible.

We understand that those changes may make the “Oppressor” less popular. We will rework its perk if it becomes too unpopular.

“Buggy wheel”, “Bigfoot” and “Sabbath”

  • The perks of these wheels will now have reduced efficiency in combination with other movement parts.
Comment: the perks of these wheels are quite efficient as is, but combining them with other movement parts strengthens vehicles quite significantly. The change doesn’t affect builds made with only one type of wheel, but it weakens vehicles with a lot of different movement parts and the play style aimed at “using all possible perks”.

For example, if half of the movement parts on a vehicle are “Buggy wheels”, their perk currently works at 50% of its maximum, meaning it reduces speed requirements by 20%. After the change, the perk in this situation will work at 35% of its maximum, i.e. reduce speed requirements by 14%.

“Bigfoot”, “Sleipnir”, “Tank track” and “Meat Grinder”

  • Changed the group of those wheels in the tonnage calculation mechanic. Now, installing those parts will cause other lower movement parts to increase the tonnage and use their perks only if they make contact with the ground.
Comment: when this mechanic was first introduced, we did not separate these movement parts into a group separate from most low movement parts to avoid inconvenience to “tilted” vehicles; and designs with wheels suspended in the air were not popular at the time.

Now, with the increasing popularity of “Bigfoot”, there are cars with lower wheels that act as a source of tonnage and perks without touching the ground, which is unfair to builds with mechanical legs and hovers that don’t have the ability to do so.

“Yongwang”, “Fortune” and “Porcupine”

  • The projectile trajectory no longer depends on the movement speed of the vehicle.
Comment: the change makes shooting at longer distances while moving easier.

Cabins maximum speed upgrade

  • Bonus changed from +3 km/h to +3%.
Comment: the change is similar to the recent change of the “Phobos” passive skill. The upgrade will not lose its relevance in comparison to other upgrades in the “Power” category, but will give a slightly lower bonus to slow cabins.

ZS-33 Hulk

  • The perk now speeds up reloading by 10% instead of 0.3 seconds.

ZS-34 Fat Man

  • The perk now speeds up reloading by 15% instead of 0.5 seconds.
Comment: the changes are due to the fact that the time bonus could make these weapons reload too fast in some combinations with other reload time bonuses (percentage bonuses). The changed perks will be slightly more efficient (or at the same level) at reducing reload time on most vehicles, but will lose effectiveness in combinations with other bonuses that are too great.


  • Added perk: “Increases the impulse of other installed “Spike-1” parts by 35%”.
Comment: the unique feature of the “Spike-1” (the high impulse) is almost unnoticeable in its current form. Adding the perk will make the impulse noticeable on medium PS vehicles with three “Spikes”, but will not increase it at low PS levels, where the mass of enemy vehicles is much lower.


  • Previously, the perk increased damage for each energy point spent on modules by 6%. Now the bonus also depends on the rarity of modules: legendary — 6%, epic — 5%, special — 4%, rare — 3%, common — 2%.
Comment: the efficiency of the weapon was too high at a wide range of PS (7000–16000). The change aims to weaken the weapon at low PS and in “Clan confrontation”, but keep it relevant in battles at high PS.


  • Bonus to the energy weapons damage is now 25% instead of 20%.
Comment: compared to other epic cabins, “Quantum” has a rather weak and narrowly focused perk that needs strengthening.


  • Dependence of spread on flight speed increased by 2 times.
Comment: high efficiency when used on armoured aircraft. The change only affects the spread in flight (with the rotor on) and does not affect ground gameplay in any way.

Bigfoot ST

  • Tonnage increased from 1250 kg to 1500 kg.
Comment: the change is due to changing the group of “Bigfoot” in the tonnage calculation mechanic. The change is necessary because the “Bigfoot’s” tonnage is often insufficient for heavy vehicles, and lower wheels will no longer increase it.


  • Radiators now work with the “Gravastar” like with the other shotguns, meaning they give it a reduced bonus to time before overheat.
Comment: high efficiency at 8000–11000 PS and in “Clan confrontation”.

ST-M26 Tackler

  • Energy consumption reduced from 6 to 5 pts.
  • PS reduced from 810 to 675.
  • Damage reduced by 19%.
Comment: low popularity of this machine gun. The changes will create more options for building a vehicle with the “Tackler”, from installing more “Tacklers” to installing additional modules. The reduce in damage is due to the fact that reduced power consumption alone would make it overpowered.


  • Energy consumption reduced from 10 to 9 pts.
  • PS reduced from 1350 to 1215.
Comment: the logic is similar to the “Tackler” changes.


  • The increase in spread after a shot reduced from 2 degrees to 1.
Comment: weapon lacks efficiency. The change allows to quickly fire the entire clip with higher accuracy.


  • Perk now increases speed by 15% instead of 10% in the first mode, and power by 25% instead of 20%. In the second mode, it speeds up cooldown and reloading by 20% instead of 15%.
Comment: cabin lacks efficiency. The change improves each of the modes, increasing their impact on gameplay.

Steppe spider

  • The perk no longer reduces rocket damage.
Comment: the change is due to the low efficiency of the cabin.


  • Projectile damage increased by 10%.
  • Projectile impulse increased by 20%.
  • Pellet damage increased by 10%.
  • Pellet spread reduced by 10%.
Comment: lack of efficiency given the complex mechanics of using the weapon.

Fin whale

  • Speed bonus reduced from 25% to 23%
Comment: we expect that after the weapon rotation speed changes, a significant number of vehicles that use wheels will replace the “Oppressor” with the “Fin whale”, which will make the average speed of armoured vehicles in the game higher. To reduce this effect, we are bringing the speed bonus of the “Fin whale” closer to that of the “Oppressor”.


  • The module now absorbs 300 damage instead of 400.
  • Durability reduced from 303 to 252 pts.

Comment: even with the increased energy consumption, the module remains too strong and, therefore, highly popular.


  • Recharge time increased from 16 sec. to 25 sec. (like that of “Chameleons”).
  • Manually disabling the module now reduces recharge time by 68% (i.e. to 8 sec., as before).
  • The manual disabling delay is now 2 sec. instead of 1 sec.
Comment: the change will reduce the frequency of vehicles entering the invisibility state and increase the value of disabling it. If used carefully, manual disabling of the module will keep the recharge duration the same.


  • Energy consumption reduced from 14 to 13 pts.
  • PS reduced from 2800 to 2600.
Comment: the logic is similar to the “Tackler” and “Snowfall” changes.


  • Energy consumption increased from 12 to 13 pts.
  • PS increased from 2400 to 2600.
Comment: an extremely efficient weapon in various modes. The change aims to weaken vehicles that use “Narwhal” by reducing their number of installed modules and increasing their PS.


  • Damage upon hit reduced by 9%.
  • Damage bonus for hitting modules reduced from 30% to 20%.
Comment: after adding damage upon hit, the efficiency of “Pulsar” increased significantly, and the perk began to be utilized more often.


  • The perk now increases the cabin’s power by 200% instead of 30% and speed by 10% instead of 20%. The bonus to allies’ power is now 50% and speed bonus for allies is now 10% (for any cabins, not just heavy cabins as before).
Comment: the change affects the gameplay when using the “Yokozuna” perk: due to the huge increase in power, it will be more suited for manoeuvring and accelerating and less for catching up with someone. The cabin will also be more useful for any allies, not just the ones with heavy cabins.


  • Energy consumption increased from 10 to 11 pts.
  • PS increased from 2000 to 2200.
Comment: the logic is similar to the “Narwhal” changes.


  • Damage reduced by 15%.
Comment: the shotgun stands out as having one of the highest damage to energy consumption ratios and has too high efficiency at a wide range of PS levels: from 6000 (2 “Nidhoggs” + “Growl” cabin) to 18000 (2 “Nidhoggs” + 1 “Jormungandr”).

Spark III

  • “Spark” now reduces the armoured vehicle’s power and speed by 5% instead of 4% when dealing damage, but the effect stacks up to 12 times instead of 15.
Comment: this is partially a reversal of the recent changes that were supposed to make the “Spark” a more independent weapon. Unfortunately, it did not work as intended; moreover, it became noticeably weaker as an auxiliary weapon.

“BC-17 Tsunami” and “CC-18 Typhoon”

  • Recoil reduced by 23%.
Comment: high efficiency in combination with the “Whaler”, the perk of which charges too quickly when using these guns. The change will also slightly increase the comfort of playing vehicles with other cabins.


  • Energy consumption increased from 10 to 11 pts.
  • PS increased from 3000 to 3300.
Comment: the logic is similar to the “Narwhal” and “Hammerfall” changes.


  • Damage increased by 33%.
  • Heating from a pellet reduced from 12.5% to 5%.
Comment: the shotgun was weak as a standalone weapon and was exclusively used in combination with two “Nidhoggs”. The problem was due to the fact that a shot from a single “Jormungandr” heated enemy parts by 100%, and its own damage was lower than that of the “Nidhogg”. The changes should help “Jormungandr” become a weapon in its own right.

Flash I

  • “Flash” now reduces power and speed of the armoured vehicle upon dealing damage, and slows the reload speed and cooldown rate of weapons by 5% instead of 3.5%, but the effect stacks up to 12 times instead of 17.
Comment: the logic is similar to the “Spark III” changes.

These are all the balance changes that are planned for the next update at the moment, but we would like to remind you that the list may still change as a result of internal tests and additional study of statistics. Share your thoughts and ideas in the comments. See you soon!

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Release:30.05.2017 Genre: Rennspiel Entwickler: Targem Games Vertrieb: Gaijin Entertainment Engine:keine Infos Kopierschutz:keine Infos Franchise:keine Infos
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