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Crossout: Jackpot
21.11.24 06:21 Community Announcements

The “Jackpot” update features an event of the same name, new and familiar brawls with daily challenges and rewards, as well as a rework of weapons with hitscan mechanics and many other balance changes.


New event “Jackpot”

Attention! The event will be available from November 21 to December 18 inclusive!
  • Event levels and their corresponding rewards will be unlocked as you complete special challenges and earn event experience points.
  • Event experience points are needed to unlock levels and receive rewards.
  • As part of this event, you will receive new challenges: 1 main and 1 additional challenge.
  • New challenges appear every day. All incomplete challenges accumulate.
  • Basic event rewards are available to all players. These include:
  • [list]
  • Coupons for factions’ workbenches;
  • 50 in-game coins;
  • A number of stickers;
  • “Outcast’s stash” container with a CK of your choice;
  • “Scout’s container” with a random legendary, epic or special part.
  • Resource containers;
  • A temporary recipe for the production of the new “Hailduck”;
  • Engineer badges.
  • All additional rewards (marked with an icon of a lock on a blue background) are available only to those who purchased the “Jackpot” pack (regular or deluxe edition). Purchasing the deluxe edition immediately unlocks the next 10 levels and all the rewards of the already unlocked levels.
  • Purchasing the pack gives you access to:
    • Certain already produced parts;
    • Recipes for the production of certain upgraded parts on the event workbench;
    • Additional in-game coins;
    • 2 paints, a number of stickers, decors (“Alarm light”, “Kuwagata”, “Light bar”);
    • Storage expansion;
    • For each subsequent level, starting from 41, you will receive 120 in-game coins as a reward.
    Attention! The “Jackpot” packs will be available on all platforms from November 21 (from 10:00 GMT on consoles) to December 18 inclusive!

    “Legends of the exhibition” brawl

    Attention! The mode will be available from November 21 to November 27 inclusive!
    • “Legends of the exhibition” is a PvP brawl in the “Free for all” format, where your only goal is to destroy your opponents and earn the maximum number of points.
    • Battles with preset player-created armoured cars.
    • In the course of the battle, you can switch your armoured car to one of the proposed presets after each of your respawns.
    • The reward for the battles of the mode is batteries.

    Special challenges and rewards

    • Day 1: deal 8000 damage in the “Legends of the exhibition” brawl. Reward: “Engineers Container”.
    • Day 2: destroy 50 parts in the “Legends of the exhibition” brawl. Reward: “Military reserve” container.
    • Day 3: destroy or help destroy 5 enemies in the “Legends of the exhibition” brawl. Reward: 2 “Gotcha!” stickers.
    • Day 4: Complete 2 battles in the “Legends of the exhibition” brawl. Reward: 50 Engineer badges.
    • Day 5: deal 4000 damage in the “Legends of the exhibition” brawl. Reward: “Humanitarian aid” container.
    • Day 6: destroy or help destroy 10 enemies in the “Legends of the exhibition” brawl. Reward: 2 “Rare stabilizers”.
    • Day 7: rank 8th or higher 3 times in the “Legends of the exhibition” brawl. Reward: “Discounduck” decor.

    “Wheels of fortune” brawl

    Attention! The mode will be available from November 28 to December 4 inclusive!
    • Battles with preset armoured cars equipped with the “Fortune” minelayer and the “Dash” modules.
    • The mode has respawns.
    • The victory is awarded to the team that scored more points in the allotted time for destroying parts and opponents. The battle ends if one of the teams scores 6000 points.
    • The reward for the battles of the mode is scrap metal.

    Special challenges and rewards:

    • Day 1: destroy or help destroy 10 enemies in the “Wheels of fortune” brawl. Reward: 2 “Headlight” decors.
    • Day 2: complete 3 battles in the “Wheels of fortune” brawl. Reward: 80 Engineer badges.
    • Day 3: earn 1500 points in the “Wheels of fortune” brawl. Reward: “Stickers package” container.
    • Day 4: deal 6000 damage in the “Wheels of fortune” brawl. Reward: “Military reserve” container.
    • Day 5: destroy or help destroy 12 enemies in the “Wheels of fortune” brawl. Reward: “Constructor’s container”.
    • Day 6: complete 3 battles in the “Wheels of fortune” brawl. Reward: 80 Engineer badges.
    • Day 7: earn 4000 points in the “Wheels of fortune” brawl. Reward: “Logistician’s container”.

    New brawl “Ice and fire”

    Attention! The mode will be available from December 5 to December 11 inclusive!
    • Team PvP brawl with preset vehicles. One team’s armoured cars are equipped with cannons or flame weapons, while the other team’s armoured cars are equipped with cryogenic weapons.
    • With the start of each battle, you can choose one of the proposed armoured cars to fight. Once destroyed, you can choose another armoured car to continue the battle.
    • Bonuses occasionally appear on the map, picking them up will get you a boost: double damage (for 20 seconds), invulnerability (for 10 seconds) or ammo pack replenishment. You cannot pick up invulnerability while having the double damage bonus (and vice versa), but you can still pick up ammo pack replenishments.
    • The goal of the battle is to fill the score bar before the opposing team does, or to score more points before time runs out. Points are awarded for destroying opponents.
    • A team wins if it scores 20 points.
    • The reward for the battles of the mode is plastic.

    Special challenges and rewards:

    • Day 1: deal 8000 damage in the “Ice and fire” brawl. Reward: “Paratrooper’s container”.
    • Day 2: earn 2000 points in the “Ice and fire” brawl. Reward: “Humanitarian aid” container.
    • Day 3: complete 3 battles in the “Ice and fire” brawl. Reward: 80 Engineers badges.
    • Day 4: destroy or help destroy 5 enemies in the “Ice and fire” brawl. Reward: “Oriax” sticker.
    • Day 5: deal 8000 damage in the “Ice and fire” brawl. Reward: “Paratrooper’s container”.
    • Day 6: earn 3000 points in the “Ice and fire” brawl. Reward: “Winter camo” paint.
    • Day 7: destroy or help destroy 10 enemies in the “Ice and fire” brawl. Reward: “Trophy CK crate”.

    Operation “Radiance”

    Attention! The mode will be available from December 12 to December 18 inclusive!
    • Operation “Radiance” is a PvP brawl where at first a small team of 2 “infected” players fight against a team of 10 regular players.
    • The operation takes place on the map “Northern path” created specifically for this mode.
    • The survivors start the battle on their own armoured vehicles. The first ravager-players and the “infected” players use the preset vehicles.
    • Ravager visors are their weak point. Destroying the visor will temporarily disable the machine.
    • Ravager vehicles are equipped with the “Argus” module, which will help them detect and destroy mines and other projectiles.
    • The goal of the survivors is to reach the final point of the location, completing all the tasks.
    • The Ravager team should prevent the second team from completing the tasks and “infect” as many players as possible by making direct contact with their vehicles.
    • After being “infected”, the survivor joins the opposite team. Now his goal is to infect his former teammates.
    • The total number of points you earn directly depends on how efficiently you played. For example, if you actively helped the team complete tasks for survivors, but at the end you were infected, you will still get a sufficient amount of points, and your efforts will not go unrewarded. Actions for both the team of survivors and the team of infected will be counted.
    • The reward for the battles of the mode is wires.

    Special challenges and rewards:

    • Day 1: earn 800 points in the Operation “Radiance”. Reward: “Memories container”.
    • Day 2: complete 2 battles in the Operation “Radiance”. Reward: 50 Engineer badges.
    • Day 3: destroy or help destroy 2 enemies in the Operation “Radiance”. Reward: “Stickers package” container.
    • Day 4: earn 500 points in the Operation “Radiance”. Reward: “Military reserve” container.
    • Day 5: complete 2 battles in the Operation “Radiance”. Reward: 50 Engineer badges.
    • Day 6: destroy or help destroy 3 enemies in the Operation “Radiance”. Reward: “Paints package” container.
    • Day 7: earn 400 points in one battle in the Operation “Radiance”. Complete 2 times. Reward: “Logistician’s container”.

    Changes to weapons with the “hitscan” mechanic (those that deal damage instantly, without launching a projectile)


    We decided to remove instant damage dealing from weapons with this mechanic for the following reasons:
  • Hitscan is not demanding on the player’s skills, as it does not force the player to lead the target even a little bit when firing, which is exacerbated by the high rate of fire of these weapons.
  • Hitscan is not the most fair mechanic from the enemy’s point of view, as it does not leave even a minimal chance to dodge.
  • Hitscan cannot work in conjunction with penetration ability mechanics.
  • Machine guns with hitscan use an unnaturally large spread and a fairly tight range limitation only for balancing reasons.
  • [/olist]Hitscan will remain only for laser weapons (for which it is quite reasonable) and drones (since adding “real” projectiles to them will not change the game experience in any way).

    For all other weapons, except for shotguns (because they would be minimally affected by the change due to the low range, which we do not plan to increase), we have added compensating changes related to maximum range and accuracy, which should improve the game experience while increasing the requirements for the player’s skills.


    A number of the guns below have been switched from hitscan mechanic (instant damage dealing) to firing fast projectiles, and have undergone additional changes:

    SM Hornet, LM-54 Chord, Vector, Sinus-0, Spectre-2, Aspect, Punisher
    • Maximum range increased from 300 to 500 m.
    • Min. spread reduced by 42%.
    • Max. spread reduced by 45%.
    • Rate of spread increase reduced by 43%.
    • Added 70% penetration ability.
    • Range upgrade replaced by projectile speed upgrade.
    M-37 Piercer, M-38 Fidget, M-39 Imp
    • Maximum range increased from 200 to 350 m.
    • Projectile speed increased by 9%.
    • Min. spread reduced by 28%.
    • Max. spread reduced by 44%.
    • Rate of spread increase reduced by 43%.
    • Added 60% penetration ability.
    • Range upgrade replaced by projectile speed upgrade.
    MG13 Equalizer, MG14 Arbiter
    • Maximum range increased from 400 to 450 m.
    • Projectile speed increased by 8%.
    • Min. spread reduced by 25%.
    • Max. spread reduced by 12%.
    • Rate of spread increase reduced by 25%.
    • Added 60% penetration ability.
    • Range upgrade replaced by projectile speed upgrade.
    • Maximum range increased from 350 to 550 m.
    • Spread reduced by 40%.
    • Added 80% penetration ability.
    • Rotation speed upgrade replaced by projectile speed upgrade.
    • Maximum range increased from 350 to 550 m.
    • Min. spread reduced by 42%.
    • Max. spread reduced by 40%.
    • Rate of spread increase reduced by 40%.
    • Added 80% penetration ability.
    • Rotation speed upgrade replaced by projectile speed upgrade.
    ST-M23 Defender, M-25 Guardian, M-29 Protector, M-32 Vindicator, ST-M26 Tackler
    • Maximum range increased from 300 to 500 m.
    • Min. spread reduced by 16%.
    • Max. spread reduced by 27%.
    • Rate of spread increase reduced by 23%.
    • Added 70% penetration ability.
    • Range upgrade replaced by projectile speed upgrade.
    Lupara, Sledgehammer, Mace, Thunderbolt, Hammerfall, Breaker
    • Added 60% penetration ability.
    Goblin, Gremlin
    • Added 65% penetration ability.
    Spitfire, Leech, Rupture
    • Added 60% penetration ability.
    Junkbow, Fafnir, Nidhogg, Jormungandr
    • Added 80% penetration ability.
    • Added 100% penetration ability.
    • Rotation speed upgrade replaced by projectile speed upgrade.
    • Maximum range increased from 300 to 500 m.
    • Added 65% penetration ability.
    • Rotation speed upgrade replaced by projectile speed upgrade.
    • Min. spread reduced by 20%.
    • Max. spread reduced by 20%.
    • Rate of spread increase reduced by 43%.
    • Added 60% penetration ability.
    • Range upgrade replaced by projectile speed upgrade.

    Limited ammo reserves

    • All weapons (except melee weapons and “Skinner”) now have limited ammo reserves.
    Comment: before, some weapons had limited ammo reserves, and their owners had to control the consumption of projectiles and install additional modules to increase the reserve, while other players could shoot indefinitely without worrying about wasted damage. The purpose of limiting the ammo reserve is to ensure that owners of different weapons are in more or less the same conditions and can reasonably manage the ammo they have, as well as to avoid situations when one player has little or no projectiles left, while the other can shoot endlessly. We think this is unfair and want to put all weapons on the same footing. In most cases, the base amount of ammo for each weapon is set to be over the needed minimum.


    Little Boy 6LB
    • Reloading time increased from 4 to 6 sec.
    • Damage increased by 45%.
    • Spread increase while turning reduced by 2 times.
    ZS-33 Hulk
    • Reloading time increased from 4 to 6 sec.
    • Damage increased by 50%.
    • Spread increase while turning reduced by 2 times.
    ZS-34 Fat Man
    • Reloading time increased from 4.3 to 6 sec.
    • Damage increased by 44%.
    • Spread increase while turning reduced by 2 times.
    ZS-46 Mammoth
    • Spread increase while turning reduced by 2 times.
    ZS-52 Mastodon
    • Spread increase while turning reduced by 2 times.
    Avenger 57mm
    • Reloading time increased from 3.5 to 6 sec.
    • Damage increased by 71%.
    Judge 76mm
    • Reloading time increased from 4 to 6 sec.
    • Damage increased by 50%.
    Prosecutor 76mm
    • Reloading time increased from 5 to 6 sec.
    • Damage increased by 12%.
    Executioner 88mm
    • Reloading time increased from 5.5 to 6 sec.
    • Damage increased by 9%.
    Comment on changes to cannons: rebalancing the damage and reloading time parameters should change how it feels to play with cannons below epic rarity inclusive, shifting the focus to dealing high but rare spikes of damage. Reducing the spread increase while turning will make playing with turret cannons more comfortable.

    Other balance changes

    Ammo pack
    • Bonus to max ammo of weapons increased from 30% to 40%.
    Comment: the change is due to the introduction of limited ammo reserves for all weapons. Even if you need additional ammunition, you will often get enough from the common “Ammo pack”, the bonus of which is now increased.

    • Damage reduced by 8%.
    • Cooling rate reduced by 9%.
    Comment: the last change was too extensive, making “Tempest” too effective at a wide range of PS (3500–10500). The change will reduce the weapon’s damage output per battle, while leaving it higher than it was before the last change.

    Hot Rod
    • The perk will now additionally increase spread stability by 25%.
    Comment: low efficiency of the perk in comparison with other cabins.

    • Energy consumption increased from 22 to 23 pts.
    • Ammo reserve reduced from 13 to 10 pcs.
    • PS increased from 2970 to 3105.
    • Reloading time increased from 2 to 3.3 sec.
    • Maximum accuracy is now achieved when fully charged.
    • Perk bonuses reduced from 12% to 10%.
    Comment: an extremely effective and comfortable weapon. The change in power consumption will prevent the “Raijin” from being mounted on a “rare” cabin without the use of a generator, which, combined with the change in PS, should take it out of low PS battles. The other changes should lower the overall efficiency of the weapon.

    • Energy consumption reduced from 14 to 13 pts.
    • PS reduced from 1890 to 1755.
    Comment: the reduction in energy consumption should increase the variety of builds that use this weapon, most of which are currently represented by the “2 Varuns + engine” formula.

    • Damage increased by 11%.
    • Penetration ability increased from 55% to 70%.
    Comment: low efficiency of the weapon.

    • Added bullet damage (50) and 100% penetration ability.
    • Blast radius reduced by 29%.
    • Added a perk that increases crossbow stability by 10% for each hit. Stacks up to 3 times, but completely resets on a miss.
    Comment: adding bullet damage would give the projectile the ability to destroy parts before attaching to an armoured car, and the perk would help improve the weapon’s low survivability. The blast radius reduction is due to the fact that dealing damage is now made much easier.

    • Slightly increased the height of the collision model.
    • The projectile amount penalty now applies to weapons positioned sideways as well.
    • Added a check to prevent the weapon from firing through an opening smaller than its projectile.
    Comment: high efficiency when mounted under the cabin. The change will barely change the weapon’s hitbox, but will remove the ability to mount other parts close to it. The other changes should limit the options of mounting the weapon deep inside the vehicle.

    MG13 Equalizer
    • Enlarged collision model.
    Comment: the previous collision model allowed you to armour the minigun so much that it became almost out of reach of enemy fire.

    • The perk now additionally increases spread stability by 50%.
    Comment: similar to the “Hot Rod”, the cabin perk looked weaker in comparison with other available options in other cabins.

    Steppe Spider
    • The perk now affects all weapons from the “rocket launchers” category, except: RA-1 Heather, Clarinet TOW and ATGM Flute.
    • Also, the perk now increases the maneuverability of homing rockets.
    Comment: the perk was too narrowly focused. The changes are aimed at expanding the list of weapons for which “Steppe Spider” would be useful.

    • The perk now affects all weapons from the “rocket launchers” category, except: RA-1 Heather, Clarinet TOW and ATGM Flute.
    • The perk now gives +25% to damage, but instead increases spread and reduces projectile speed. Homing rockets have reduced maneuverability.
    Comment: the perk was also too narrowly focused. The new perk is designed to be the opposite of “Steppe Spider” for close range combat.

    Buggy wheel
    • The perk now reduces speed requirements to 30% instead of 40%.
    Comment: the perk had too much efficiency, as it not only made speed-related parts’ perks easier (redundantly so) to use, but also made them much easier to use on slow armoured cars.

    • The perk now additionally increases the speed of projectiles. Max. bonus is 15% at the speed of 80 km/h and above.
    • Bonus to speed reduced from 22% to 20%.
    Comment: after increasing the rotation speed of many weapons, the need for the engine has decreased. To keep it relevant, as promised, its perk has been improved. The speed bonus change is related to the current problem of easily achieving high speeds. As we answered in the Q&A session, we have plans for a full rebalance of speeds and speed bonuses next year, but for now we would like to slightly reduce the largest of the bonuses.

    Meat Grinder
    • PS increased from 600 to 850.
    Comment: thanks to the latest changes, this movement part was able to become relevant at high and medium PS, but shows too much efficiency at low PS. The change should correct the situation.

    • Blast damage now does not decrease with the distance from the center of the explosion.
    • The rocket launcher now increases the enemy detection radius up to 150 m.
    Comment: low efficiency of the weapon due to the small explosion radius. When hitting an enemy, the full damage was only dealt on the part where the rocket hit, and nearby parts took very little damage. After changing this dependency, the damage output will be more stable and higher. The addition of the built-in radar will keep the gun operational after an external module is destroyed and make it more self-sufficient.

    • Explosive projectile damage increased by 10%.
    • Piercing projectile damage increased by 20%.
    • Perk now increases damage by 3% for every 2 parts hit instead of 4%. Maximum bonus reduced from 32% to 21%.
    • Durability increased from 525 to 629 pts.
    Comment: weapon efficiency was too unstable and depended heavily on its perk. The changes should fix the situation and make the weapon more stable in isolation from the perk. And the increase in durability should solve the problem of low survivability.

    • Durability increased from 414 to 455 pts.
    • Perk now gives 3 projectiles for every 4 destroyed parts (instead of 6 projectiles for 8 parts before).
    Comment: low efficiency of the weapon. More frequent activation of the perk will make it less dependent on the durability of enemy parts, and increasing its own durability will improve survivability.

    • Base damage increased by 20%.
    • Perk damage bonus reduced from 800% to 400%.
    • Heat bonus from perk reduced from 10% to 5%.
    Comment: high weapon efficiency due to significant damage to a single part. The change reduces overall damage while reducing perk dependency.

    BC-17 Tsunami
    • Durability increased from 821 to 903 pts.
    Comment: compared with other weapons, the cannon’s survivability was noticeably lower.

    • Mass limit reduced from 22000 to 21000 kg.
    • Bonus to own damage reduced from 30 to 20%, to allied damage increased from 15 to 20%.
    • Perk recharge time increased from 20 to 25 sec.
    Comment: high efficiency of the cabin in many modes. The mass limit was a bit excessive, considering its speed and its own mass. Perk changes will make the cabin less effective when used on its own, but more useful for allies.

    • Perk active radius increased from 25 to 40 m.
    Comment: the perk’s range was too small when compared to the perks of other cabins with a team bonus, which made its implementation quite problematic.

    Fin whale
    • Speed bonus reduced from 23% to 21%.
    Comment: the speed bonus change is related to the current problem of easy availability of speed increases. As we said in the Q&A session, we have plans for a full rebalance of speeds and speed bonuses next year, but for now we would like to slightly reduce the largest of the bonuses.

    • Reduced perk bonuses:[list]
    • to damage from 20% to 15%
    • to speed from 7% to 4%
    • to power from 20% to 15%
    [/list]Comment: for its power consumption level, the module provided an extremely high efficiency boost to many armoured vehicles.

    CC-18 Typhoon
    • Increased upward aiming angles.
    Co-driver Grizzly
    • The talent is now activated after 3 hits on the armoured vehicle (instead of 2 on the cabin before).
    • At least 3 seconds must now elapse between hits from one enemy (instead of 1 second previously).
    • Talent charge starts to decrease 5 sec. after the last hit (instead of 10 sec. before).
    • The passive skill that reduces the penalty to the power of movement parts has been replaced by a 5% increase in their durability.
    Comment: we returned the co-driver’s talent to its old mechanics, but significantly slowed down its stacking from hits from one enemy and speeded up its reset. The change restores the talent’s versatility in terms of building an armoured vehicle to suit its use, but at the same time makes it less useful in one-on-one battles.

    The co-driver greatly increased the overall durability of armoured vehicles while also giving a bonus to mobility, which is redundant. Replacing the passive skill should remedy the situation by focusing all skills on increasing survivability.

    Co-driver Yuki
    • The distance for talent activation has been increased from 35 to 50 m.
    • The passive skill that increases the durability of movement parts has been replaced by a 15% reduction in the penalty to movement parts power.
    Comment: lack of efficiency of the talent, increasing the activation distance should make it easier to use. Changing the passive skill will increase the mobility of armoured vehicles with Yuki.

    Co-driver Billie
    • The talent now additionally reduces spread by 20% and no longer increases the damage received by the weapon.
    • The passive skill that increases self-destruct damage has been replaced by a 10% increase in time to overheat.
    • The “Directional fury” passive skill now reduces the spread increase rate by 20% (instead of 10% previously).
    Comment: unpopular co-driver. The changes should increase his relevance.

    Co-driver Phobos
    • The passive skill that increases the speed of an armoured vehicle now also affects the maximum speed of movement parts.
    Comment: the change will make the skill equally useful for all types of armoured vehicles.

    Co-driver Atitlan
    • Active skill now increases damage by 15% (instead of 10% previously).
    • The passive skill that increases the radius of fire puddles has been replaced by a 25% increase in the speed of heating up parts with thermal damage.
    • The “Compact mixtures” passive skill now works with all ammo types, and the bonus value has been increased from 15% to 25%.
    Comment: the changes to parameters will increase the co-driver’s efficiency, and replacing the passive skill will make the co-driver more useful for all fire weapons.

    • The “Dead Highway” and “Lost coast” maps were adapted for battle walkers.
    • Updated the images of the “Dead Highway” and “Lost coast” maps.
    • Removed the “Terminal-45” map from rotation. It is still available in the “Game center”.

    • You can now see the number of “Likes” your brawl has by selecting it in the list. The number is displayed in the bottom right corner of the screen.
    • Improved page switching area of the current season/event.
    • Improved the displaying of announcements in the “Coming Soon!” banner.

    • Improved the sounds of “Vector” and “Sinus-0” machine guns.
    • Improved the speed of machine guns sounds. Now it is close to the real rate of fire. Earlier, due to a number of reasons, the number of sound effects and real shots could be unaligned.
    • Improved the sounds of machine guns at a distance.
    • Fixed the balance of sound volume between different weapon groups.
    • Improved the sound volume of music tracks in the game.

    • Improved aiming of weapons when firing at a certain area around armoured aircraft.
    • Updated bullet flight effects for machine guns and shotguns.
    • Added unique patches for helping a developer in combat or destroying them.

    • Fixed a bug that caused the “Goliath” perk to continue to be active even when the track was in the air and not touching the ground.
    • Increased the active time of the upgraded “Tachi” and “Tempura” melee weapons. This fixes a bug that caused the upgraded versions of these weapons to not deal more damage despite the increased active time.
    • Fixed a number of bugs that caused incorrect display and scrolling of nicknames.
    • Fixed a bug that caused the “Epic workbench coupons” to not be taken into account when crafting “CR-2 Petrel” and “Hummingbird” rotors on the Engineers workbench.
    • Augers are no longer affected by damage bonuses from modules, cabins and co-drivers.
    • Fixed a bug that caused the “Jackie” module to increase the damage of the “ZS-52 Mastodon” by only 10%.
    • Fixed a bug that caused “Fortuna” projectiles to sometimes disappear without exploding and dealing damage after hitting an enemy.
    • Fixed a bug that caused armoured aircraft to not be able to descend after using stabilisation mode.
    • Fixed a bug where accuracy modifiers did not work with the reduced spread of the “Breaker” perk.
    • Fixed a bug that caused the “Muninn” perk and “R-Type 52” bonuses to not affect the “Fatum” drone.
    • Improved a number of in-game texts and icons.
    Logo for Crossout
    Release:30.05.2017 Genre: Rennspiel Entwickler: Targem Games Vertrieb: Gaijin Entertainment Engine:keine Infos Kopierschutz:keine Infos Franchise:keine Infos
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    25.12.24 08:26 Community Announcements
    Discount on a one-year premium subscription!
    24.12.24 10:00 Community Announcements
    New Year contest marathon
    20.12.24 14:00 Community Announcements
    Wasteland drift: wallpapers
    20.12.24 10:00 Community Announcements
    Packs sale!
    19.12.24 18:01 Community Announcements
    Crossout: Wasteland drift
    19.12.24 07:00 Community Announcements
    Results of “Find a treasure!” Contest
    18.12.24 15:04 Community Announcements
    Portuguese localization
    17.12.24 16:00 Community Announcements
    “FInd a treasure!” contest
    13.12.24 15:00 Community Announcements
    Trading of certain items will be discontinued
    13.12.24 12:00 Community Announcements
    A big New Year poll 2024
    13.12.24 10:00 Community Announcements
    [Developer blog] The Syndicate returns in the new Crossout season. Part 3
    12.12.24 11:00 Community Announcements
    The return of the Operation “Radiance”!
    12.12.24 09:34 Community Announcements
    Crossout Art
    10.12.24 10:00 Community Announcements
    The “Ice and fire” brawl has begun!
    05.12.24 08:00 Community Announcements
    [Developer blog] The Syndicate returns in the new Crossout season. Part 2
    04.12.24 10:00 Community Announcements
    [Mass testing] New blueprints tab
    29.11.24 12:00 Community Announcements
    [Developer blog] The Syndicate returns in the new Crossout season. Part 1
    28.11.24 10:00 Community Announcements
    Test the “Wheels of fortune”!
    28.11.24 08:55 Community Announcements
    Crossout at Steam Awards!
    27.11.24 18:01 Community Announcements
    Packs sale on PC
    27.11.24 18:00 Community Announcements
    CM Hunt schedule changes
    27.11.24 15:00 Community Announcements
    Small update, November 27, 2024
    27.11.24 08:00 Community Announcements
    Changes to clan activities. Our current vision
    26.11.24 10:00 Community Announcements
    CM Hunt
    22.11.24 12:00 Community Announcements
    Take the “Legends of the exhibition” to battle!
    22.11.24 10:06 Community Announcements
    Crossout: Jackpot
    21.11.24 06:21 Community Announcements
    Results of “Find a treasure!” Contest
    20.11.24 09:37 Community Announcements
    “FInd a treasure!” contest
    15.11.24 15:00 Community Announcements
    Начался «Пернатый замес»!
    14.11.24 09:03 Community Announcements
    What to expect in the upcoming November update
    13.11.24 10:00 Community Announcements
    Treacherous Wasteland: places with the highest destruction counts
    08.11.24 10:00 Community Announcements
    The developer team answers for the Q&A session about balance in Crossout. Part 2
    07.11.24 12:00 Community Announcements
    The “Big races” brawl is already available!
    07.11.24 09:00 Community Announcements
    Weapons upgrades at a reduced cost!
    05.11.24 12:00 Community Announcements
    The next “Battle for uranium” stage is already available!
    04.11.24 07:00 Community Announcements
    Hardware and movement parts upgrades at a reduced cost!
    02.11.24 12:00 Community Announcements
    Balance changes planned for the next update. Adjustments
    02.11.24 10:00 Community Announcements
    Balance changes planned for the next update. Adjustments
    01.11.24 10:07 Community Announcements
    Operation “Red light” returns!
    31.10.24 08:29 Community Announcements
    Cabins upgrades at a reduced cost!
    30.10.24 12:00 Community Announcements
    Crossout art
    30.10.24 08:00 Community Announcements
    Crossout packs for PC on sale from the Gaijin publisher!
    29.10.24 14:40 Community Announcements
    BlazeRush celebrates its 10th anniversary!
    28.10.24 09:02 Community Announcements
    The “Treasure seekers” event and the “Steel troopers” brawl are available!
    24.10.24 09:32 Community Announcements
    Halloween activities for Discord
    23.10.24 13:00 Community Announcements
    Small update, October 23, 2024
    23.10.24 07:30 Community Announcements
    What’s coming this week, October 21–27
    21.10.24 13:00 Community Announcements
    [Mass testing] Balance changes planned for the next update
    21.10.24 10:00 Community Announcements
    The next “Battle for uranium” stage is already available!
    21.10.24 08:00 Community Announcements
    Сессия Q&A с разработчиками на тему баланса в Crossout
    18.10.24 10:00 Community Announcements
    Crossout: Steel troopers
    17.10.24 06:29 Community Announcements
    Crossout development roadmap. Autumn and winter of 2024
    16.10.24 10:00 Community Announcements
    The “Kaiju” brawl is already available!
    10.10.24 06:30 Community Announcements
    The rating loss in the “Clan wars” mode last week
    09.10.24 13:00 Community Announcements
    What to expect in the upcoming October update
    09.10.24 10:00 Community Announcements
    50% bonus to the reputation earned!
    04.10.24 12:00 Community Announcements
    The “Enemy in reflection” brawl is back!
    03.10.24 08:00 Community Announcements
    Small update, 03.10.2024
    03.10.24 07:30 Community Announcements
    New Crossout website!
    01.10.24 11:30 Community Announcements
    Битва за уран возвращается!
    30.09.24 09:30 Community Announcements
    Small poll for players
    26.09.24 12:00 Community Announcements
    The “Walking on gold” event and the “Firefight” brawl are already available!
    26.09.24 10:02 Community Announcements
    Small update, September 26, 2024
    26.09.24 06:30 Community Announcements
    Results of “Find a treasure!” Contest
    25.09.24 15:00 Community Announcements
    “Way to the top” location panorama
    25.09.24 10:00 Community Announcements
    Next step: desktop wallpapers
    24.09.24 10:00 Community Announcements
    New main theme for the game
    23.09.24 11:01 Community Announcements
    “FInd a treasure!” contest
    20.09.24 13:00 Community Announcements
    Twitch Drops are Back!
    19.09.24 11:00 Community Announcements
    Crossout: Next step. Balance changes
    19.09.24 10:09 Community Announcements
    Crossout: Next step
    19.09.24 10:08 Community Announcements
    Results of “Find a treasure!” Contest
    18.09.24 11:02 Community Announcements
    Packs sale on PC
    17.09.24 08:50 Community Announcements
    Livestream with the developers. A closer look at the new season
    16.09.24 18:00 Community Announcements
    Packs sale on PC
    16.09.24 17:00 Community Announcements
    Coming this week! September 16—September 22
    16.09.24 08:09 Community Announcements
    “FInd a treasure!” contest
    13.09.24 13:00 Community Announcements
    The “Ice championship” has begun!
    12.09.24 09:00 Community Announcements
    New mecha season in Crossout. Part 3
    11.09.24 10:00 Community Announcements
    Treacherous Wasteland: places with the highest destruction counts
    10.09.24 10:00 Community Announcements
    Coming this week! September 9—September 15
    09.09.24 08:19 Community Announcements
    Second phase of the mass testing of the balance changes in the upcoming season
    06.09.24 12:00 Community Announcements
    New mecha season in Crossout. Part 2
    05.09.24 10:00 Community Announcements
    The “Sea battle” brawl is now available!
    05.09.24 07:16 Community Announcements
    The “Speed demon” deluxe and lite editions will soon become unavailable!
    03.09.24 12:00 Community Announcements
    [Mass testing] Planned balance changes in the upcoming season
    30.08.24 10:00 Community Announcements
    New mecha season in Crossout. Part 1
    29.08.24 10:00 Community Announcements
    The “Steel championship” brawl is already available!
    29.08.24 06:56 Community Announcements
    What awaits us this week 26.08 — 1.09
    26.08.24 09:25 Community Announcements
    Crossout: Echoes of war
    22.08.24 06:20 Community Announcements
    Crossout Art
    21.08.24 10:00 Community Announcements
    Clash of engineers: Crown jewel. Winners
    20.08.24 10:00 Community Announcements
    50% bonus to the reputation earned!
    16.08.24 12:00 Community Announcements
    What to expect in the upcoming August update
    15.08.24 11:00 Community Announcements
    The “At gunpoint” brawl is now available!
    15.08.24 08:04 Community Announcements
    Free workbenches of selected factions!
    09.08.24 12:00 Community Announcements
    The “Speed demon” packs and the “Wheels of fortune” brawl are already available!
    08.08.24 09:29 Community Announcements
    Treacherous Wasteland: places with highest destruction counts
    06.08.24 10:00 Community Announcements
    Free workbenches of selected factions!
    02.08.24 12:00 Community Announcements
    The “Impulsiveness” brawls is already available!
    01.08.24 10:00 Community Announcements
    The “Rundown” event and the “Taming the dragon” raid are already available!
    25.07.24 08:37 Community Announcements
    Results of “Find a treasure!” Contest
    24.07.24 12:01 Community Announcements
    [Developer blog] Legs? Legs!
    24.07.24 10:00 Community Announcements
    Small update, July 24, 2024
    24.07.24 07:36 Community Announcements
    [Announcement] QA with the developers. July 2024
    23.07.24 10:00 Community Announcements
    [Contest] Clash of engineers: Crown jewel
    22.07.24 12:00 Community Announcements
    “Catch a treasure!” contest
    19.07.24 15:00 Community Announcements
    Last chance to purchase the “The Patron” and “The Keeper” at a 60% discount
    18.07.24 13:00 Community Announcements
    Crossout: Rundown
    18.07.24 07:50 Community Announcements
    What to expect in the upcoming July update
    10.07.24 10:00 Community Announcements
    Weapons upgrades at a reduced cost!
    04.07.24 12:00 Community Announcements
    Treacherous Wasteland: places with highest destruction counts
    03.07.24 10:00 Community Announcements
    Balance changes planned for the upcoming update
    02.07.24 12:27 Community Announcements
    Cabins upgrades at a reduced cost!
    01.07.24 12:00 Community Announcements
    Crossout Art — July 2054
    01.07.24 10:00 Community Announcements
    Hardware and movement parts upgrades at a reduced cost!
    28.06.24 12:00 Community Announcements
    Packs summer sale on PC
    27.06.24 17:00 Community Announcements
    Operation “Radiance” starts soon!
    26.06.24 13:00 Community Announcements
    50% bonus to the reputation earned!
    21.06.24 12:00 Community Announcements
    The operations against the Ravagers and the new “Mind hunt” event
    20.06.24 09:12 Community Announcements
    Small update, 20.06.2024
    20.06.24 07:43 Community Announcements
    Results of “Billiardball Candlestick” Contest
    17.06.24 14:20 Community Announcements
    Mini Contest “Billiardball Candlestick”
    15.06.24 15:00 Community Announcements
    Results of “❓❗????” Contest
    15.06.24 14:00 Community Announcements
    Treacherous Wasteland: places with highest destruction counts
    14.06.24 10:00 Community Announcements
    Mini Contest «❓❗????»
    13.06.24 14:00 Community Announcements
    Results of “Right or wrong?” Contest
    13.06.24 12:35 Community Announcements
    Small update 13.06.2024
    13.06.24 06:52 Community Announcements
    Brotherhood stronghold: location panorama
    11.06.24 10:53 Community Announcements
    Mini Contest “Right or wrong?”
    10.06.24 15:00 Community Announcements
    Results of “What's this part?” Contest
    10.06.24 11:37 Community Announcements
    Exhibition optimization and deleting certain blueprints
    10.06.24 10:00 Community Announcements
    The “Lucifer” rocket launcher is temporarily blocked in PvP-modes
    10.06.24 07:01 Community Announcements
    Mini Contest “What's this part?”
    08.06.24 15:00 Community Announcements
    Results of “Who?” Contest
    07.06.24 12:00 Community Announcements
    Ravagers Ascension: desktop wallpapers
    07.06.24 10:00 Community Announcements
    [Announcement] Twitch Drops are Back!
    06.06.24 15:00 Community Announcements
    Crossout: Ravagers Ascension
    06.06.24 07:12 Community Announcements
    Crossout: Ravagers Ascension. Energy System Changes
    06.06.24 06:19 Community Announcements
    Mini Contest “Who?”
    05.06.24 15:00 Community Announcements
    [Announcement] Livestream with the developers. A closer look at the new season
    04.06.24 12:00 Community Announcements
    Crossout Art — June 2054
    03.06.24 10:59 Community Announcements
    Results of “PDM” Contest
    02.06.24 14:25 Community Announcements
    Removing upgrades from parts
    31.05.24 12:00 Community Announcements
    Results of “What's this trial?” mini-contest
    30.05.24 15:00 Community Announcements
    Gift for every player in honor of the 9th anniversary of Crossout!
    30.05.24 12:00 Community Announcements
    [Announcement] Battle for uranium
    30.05.24 10:00 Community Announcements
    [Contest] “What's this trial?”
    28.05.24 15:00 Community Announcements
    Results of “What's this map?” mini-contest
    28.05.24 11:00 Community Announcements
    [Announcement] Balance changes and other changes in the new season
    27.05.24 12:19 Community Announcements
    Mini Contest “What's this map?”
    26.05.24 10:39 Community Announcements
    [Developer blog] New ravaging season in Crossout. Part 3
    24.05.24 10:00 Community Announcements
    Crossout: Crossout Day
    24.05.24 09:19 Community Announcements
    Treacherous Wasteland: places with highest destruction counts
    22.05.24 10:00 Community Announcements
    [Developer blog] Crossout turns 9!
    21.05.24 10:00 Community Announcements
    [Developer blog] New ravaging season in Crossout. Part 2
    16.05.24 10:02 Community Announcements
    Treacherous Wasteland: places with highest destruction counts
    15.05.24 10:51 Community Announcements
    [Announcement] Crossout Art — May 2054
    13.05.24 10:00 Community Announcements
    [Developer blog] New ravaging season in Crossout. Part 1
    08.05.24 11:00 Community Announcements
    [Sale] Premium subscriptions for 30 and 90 days are available with a discount!
    06.05.24 12:00 Community Announcements
    Free workbenches of factions!
    03.05.24 12:00 Community Announcements
    [Announcement] Clash of engineers: Cars for Foxy. Winners
    01.05.24 10:00 Community Announcements
    [Announcement] The “Foreshadowing” event has already begun!
    25.04.24 08:31 Community Announcements
    Results of “Find a treasure!” Contest
    24.04.24 12:00 Community Announcements
    Small update, 24.04.2024
    24.04.24 08:29 Community Announcements
    [Mass testing] Changes to the system of energy
    22.04.24 10:52 Community Announcements
    “Catch a treasure!” contest
    20.04.24 09:00 Community Announcements
    [Announcement] New photo mode with Nvidia Ansel support
    19.04.24 10:00 Community Announcements
    Clash of Engineers: Сars for Foxy
    18.04.24 14:27 Community Announcements
    Crossout: Enemy in reflection
    18.04.24 07:07 Community Announcements
    [Developer blog] What to expect in the upcoming April update
    12.04.24 10:00 Community Announcements
    [Announcement] New “Ronin” packs are now available on all platforms!
    11.04.24 09:02 Community Announcements
    [Announcement] Planned balance changes
    09.04.24 10:38 Community Announcements
    Free rental of the “Nomads,” “Lunatics” and “Dawn’s children” workbenches!
    05.04.24 12:00 Community Announcements
    Results of “What's this map?” Contest
    02.04.24 13:00 Community Announcements
    [Announcement] Crossout Art — April 2054
    02.04.24 10:00 Community Announcements
    [Update] Crossout: Firestarters strike back
    01.04.24 10:16 Community Announcements
    The “Wasteland of Wonders” promotion has begun!
    01.04.24 07:30 Community Announcements
    [Contest] “What's this map?”
    30.03.24 13:00 Community Announcements
    Easter in Crossout
    29.03.24 08:32 Community Announcements
    Small update, 27.03.2024
    27.03.24 06:16 Community Announcements
    [Stories] Following Lloyd’s trail
    26.03.24 10:00 Community Announcements
    Fix for Dragonfly (lite) pack
    25.03.24 11:14 Community Announcements
    Crossout: Dronapocalypse
    21.03.24 06:30 Community Announcements
    Results of “Catch a treasure!” Contest
    20.03.24 10:00 Community Announcements
    “Catch a treasure!” contest
    15.03.24 13:00 Community Announcements
    Spring packs sale
    14.03.24 17:01 Community Announcements
    [Special] Reduced upgrade cost for hardware and movement parts!
    13.03.24 12:15 Community Announcements
    [Announcement] Temporary pack “Polar explorer: Green expedition” is available
    11.03.24 12:11 Community Announcements
    [Special] Reduced upgrade cost for cabins!
    06.03.24 12:00 Community Announcements
    [Mass testing] Ram damage and changes to energy of parts.
    01.03.24 13:00 Community Announcements
    [Announcement] Crossout Art — March 2054
    29.02.24 10:00 Community Announcements
    Results of “What's this map?” Contest
    27.02.24 13:00 Community Announcements
    [Contest] “What's this map?”
    24.02.24 14:00 Community Announcements
    [Announcement] Ram damage and changes to energy of parts.
    22.02.24 13:00 Community Announcements
    [Announcement] Premium subscription as a gift!
    22.02.24 12:00 Community Announcements
    [Announcement] The “Following Lloyd’s trail” event has already begun!
    22.02.24 07:20 Community Announcements
    [Mass testing] Alternative ram damage mechanics and changes to energy of parts
    19.02.24 11:00 Community Announcements
    [Announcement] The “Dragonfly” packs are already available!
    15.02.24 07:00 Community Announcements
    [Announcement] A new temporary raid “Northern justice” is now available!
    15.02.24 06:00 Community Announcements
    [Update] Small update, 14.02.2024
    14.02.24 06:09 Community Announcements
    New track for the garage
    13.02.24 13:00 Community Announcements
    [Special] A new promotion “Wasteland of Wonders” has begun!
    12.02.24 08:19 Community Announcements
    [Announcement] Crossout: Frostbite Assault. Video
    10.02.24 11:00 Community Announcements
    New main theme for the game
    09.02.24 15:00 Community Announcements
    [Announcement] Frostbite Assault: new desktop wallpapers
    09.02.24 10:00 Community Announcements
    [Announcement] Twitch Drops are Back!
    08.02.24 15:00 Community Announcements
    [Update] Crossout: Frostbite Assault
    08.02.24 06:11 Community Announcements
    Crossout: Frostbite Assault. Changes in parameters of parts and co-drivers
    08.02.24 06:10 Community Announcements
    Results of “Find a treasure!” Contest
    07.02.24 12:00 Community Announcements
    [Announcement] Temporary issues with the game's servers
    06.02.24 16:04 Community Announcements
    [Announcement] First Look Into Frostbite Assault!
    05.02.24 16:08 Community Announcements
    “Find a treasure!” contest
    02.02.24 15:01 Community Announcements
    [Special] Reduced upgrade cost for weapons!
    02.02.24 12:00 Community Announcements
    [Developer blog] Return of Hyperborea. Part 3
    01.02.24 10:00 Community Announcements
    [Announcement] The season “Sky Raiders” will end soon!
    31.01.24 13:00 Community Announcements
    [Announcement] Crossout Art — February 2054
    31.01.24 10:00 Community Announcements
    31.01.24 09:00 Community Announcements
    30.01.24 10:06 Community Announcements
    Temporary problems with market access and in-game coin balances
    30.01.24 09:28 Community Announcements
    [Special] Reduced upgrade cost for cabins!
    29.01.24 12:00 Community Announcements
    [Announcement] Mass testing of balance changes has already begun!
    26.01.24 13:00 Community Announcements
    [Special] Reduced upgrade cost for hardware and movement parts!
    25.01.24 12:00 Community Announcements
    [Announcement] Planned balance changes
    22.01.24 10:00 Community Announcements
    [Special] 50% bonus to the reputation earned!
    19.01.24 12:00 Community Announcements
    [Announcement] The “In the grip of ice” event has already begun!
    18.01.24 07:30 Community Announcements
    [Developer blog] Return of Hyperborea. Part 2
    17.01.24 10:00 Community Announcements
    16.01.24 10:00 Community Announcements
    Results of “Find a treasure!” Contest
    14.01.24 17:00 Community Announcements
    [Announcement] Clash of Engineers: A vehicle for Gronch. Winners
    12.01.24 11:00 Community Announcements
    “Find a treasure!” contest
    11.01.24 13:00 Community Announcements
    [Developer blog] Return of Hyperborea. Part 1
    11.01.24 10:00 Community Announcements
    Results of «❓❗????» Contest
    08.01.24 13:00 Community Announcements
    [Contest] «❓❗????»
    06.01.24 13:00 Community Announcements