Hello, survivors! The “Wasteland drift” season is coming to an end, as well as the war between the Scavengers and Syndicate for the Oracle activation module. It’s no secret that the next season is about the long-awaited Founders. These seasoned builders always have a ton of tough heavy machinery to pummel their enemies into the ground.
What have the Founders been doing for all these past years? They worked tirelessly on new brutal tools. In this first part of our blog, we’ll see the tip of the iron iceberg they prepared: an epic support module of a new type and a legendary ballista. Let’s go!
We remind you that all the new features described in the “Developer blog” are not final and may be changed before they are introduced into the game or may not make it into the game at all. This applies not only to information about possible unique features of new parts, but also to the appearance of the parts themselves.
Epic support module for improving accuracy

Spread is a very unpleasant thing. The Founders seem to think so too, so they created a new type of module, never before seen in the world of Crossout, which makes their life easier by improving accuracy of fire.
In exchange for one energy unit, the module will provide several bonuses aimed at improving accuracy. For example, it will reduce the minimum and maximum spread. And its perk will increase the projectiles’ speed while driving slowly. A very useful gadget.
Legendary ballista

The Founders love the smell of heavy metal in the morning. Especially if it’s a piece of heavy metal flying on a ballistic trajectory towards an enemy car. Such a projectile can deal massive damage, especially if the enemy has lots of parts slapped on their vehicle. And of course you need a big ballista to send the slugger flying!
The new legendary weapon fires a metal beam that hits hard. The projectile deals increased damage to structural parts. We’re sorry to everyone who loves creating armour out of those. Additionally, a hit from the ballista has high impulse, which is helpful against melee enemies.
P.S. Like the “Ripper” disks, the beam stays stuck in the ground. Impressive!
New structural parts

And this is only the beginning! The next devblog entry will be released soon, stay tuned!