Find your New Home in the Outlands
Smuggler’s Dens are safe hubs for you to set as home and fast travel
- Ideal for solo and small-scale adventurers looking to set up base in the Outlands[/*]
- Outlands Banks will be phased out in favor of these new zones[/*]
- Fast travel with gear is not possible[/*]
Access the Smuggler’s Market Network within these Dens
- Connects all Dens and Outlands Rests markets[/*]
- Trading fees are based on distance between markets[/*]
The Smuggler Faction
Engage with Smuggler Faction Activities designed for small groups and solo players:
- Secure crates from ambushed wagons and deliver them to Hidden Smuggler Stashes [list]
- Crates can be carried one at a time and disappear quickly[/*]
- Multiple stash locations prevent drop-off camping[/*]
- Designed for swift small-group tactics, limiting the dominance of large guilds[/*]
Complete these activities and boost your Smuggler Faction Standing for exclusive rewards:
- The Smuggler Vanity Set lets you proudly display your allegiance[/*]
- The Smuggler Cape features the Hidden Vial ability, which reduces potion cooldowns by 90 seconds[/*]
Bank Improvements
- View and search personal and guild bank tabs remotely from the Bank Overview[/*]
- Access corresponding city banks directly from personal islands[/*]
Don’t miss the next Dev Talk video to learn about even more features coming with Rogue Frontier, including new Crystal Weapons, Resource Wisps, Kill Trophies, and a new Journal category. See you then!