On February 3, the Rogue Frontier update brings Albion Online into a daring new era. At its heart lurk the Smugglers, a new faction that has risen in the chaos of the Outlands. Their covert dens offer sanctuary and opportunity, while their market network weaves a clandestine web of trade. This update calls adventurers to seize fortune in the shadows – will you dare to answer?
Secrets of the Smugglers
Beneath the Outlands lie Smuggler’s Dens – hidden refuges providing city amenities, fresh activities, and access to the Smuggler Markets. These dens offer solo and small-scale adventurers a means to set up base, while the Smuggler’s Network acts as a shadowy Outlands marketplace that rewards resourcefulness and cunning. Smuggler Faction Activities offer a new layer of intrigue: rescue captured smugglers, deliver rare Smuggler Crates, and hunt for Smuggler’s Coins to build your standing with the faction. Meanwhile, the enigmatic trader Maggy Slade offers exclusive rewards, including the Smuggler’s Cape and a brand-new vanity set. Chaos breeds opportunity for those bold enough to grasp it.
Trophies of Triumph
Immortalize your PvP victories with all-new Kill Trophies. Showing off the details of your triumph, these can be displayed for your allies to admire and to make your rivals tremble. Meanwhile, three new Crystal Weapons – the Rotcaller Staff, Skystrider Bow, and Forcepulse Bracers – bring devastating new abilities to the battlefield. The artifacts needed to craft them are rewarded from the current Guild Season, meaning adventurers can wield these powerful armaments as soon as Rogue Frontier launches.
Beyond the Shadows
With the new opportunities opened up by the Smugglers, staying organized has never been more critical. A new Bank Overview streamlines inventory management across personal and guild storage, allowing players to track their possessions from anywhere in one convenient UI. A new Albion Journal category, Creatures, introduces a bestiary challenge, encouraging players to hunt the realm’s wildlife and earn unique vanity items, signifying mastery over Albion’s most fearsome beasts. And new varieties of Dynamic Resource Hotspots create fresh opportunities for Albion’s intrepid gatherers.
With all this and more, Rogue Frontier adds thrilling new depths to Albion. Step boldly into this shadowy world on February 3 and stake your claim to its riches. For more details, visit the official update page here.