Changelog - Patch
- No Need to Rash quest can now be given by adults only
- NPC who is unemployed or has a break in work can say "No production set" chatter
- Quest: "Stefan Needs to Go", "Shake Spear", "Package Deal" cannot be given by NPCs related to player
- Character custom appearance is not being loaded after loading save on multiplayer
- Missing objective texts for some village quests
- Generic quests now won't assign to clients' families (as long as clients are in the game during season skip)
- In some cases after exiting the dialogue player can't jump until ESC is pressed
- When client dies but has an heir in the death screen there is "none" instead of heir's name
- Fixed productivity of Workshops
- Incorrect behavior of NPCs or missing NPCs in some quests (version 2.0) Loading or reloading save file will fix behaviors
- Client not being able to buy bulls and calfs
- Polish language
- Flatbread and Flatbread with Onion provide less food
- Cheaper scheme cost for Flatbread and Flatbread with Onion
- Lower production time for Flatbread and Flatbread with Onion
- Changed prices for shovels
- Village statuses on HUD
Current testing branch used to have a modified engine build, which now will be located on new branch public_alternative. This way testing branch will be once again only for testing.
To access new branch use password: MDAlternative
Kind Regards,
Render Cube and Toplitz Teams