We just sent out a new hotfix to the beta branch with more bug fixes and general QoL improvements that you will hopefully appreciate. Here's whats included:
- Added a shortcut to the Suit Printer. It’s “P” by default and can be changed in the Controls Settings
- Added an Invite Player button to the Session’s Settings.
- Synthetic Components were removed from the tutorial area
- All printing times for the items in the Device Fabricator set to 5 seconds
- Prices changed to improve the tutorial experience for following items: - Bed - Electric Cooker - Extractor - Repair Patch - Scanner - Water Purifier - Water Generator - Rainwater Collector - Metal Collector Head
- Metal Collector Head’s price reduced
- Room Frame and Half Walls price and weight reduced
- Paint Tool and Aircutter’s battery greatly improved
- All fuel types last longer than before
- Cost of each painted module decreased to 1 unit of Paint Cartridge
- Plastic Components were removed from the tutorial location
- Suit Printer will always open on the Components tab during the tutorial, until the player crafts Plastic Components and Machine Partsfor the first time
- Ongoing fixes for Co-Op connection issues. This is a work in progress, if you previously had these issues, please check if they still occur on this version
- Fixed missing Capsule Drops
- Fixed collisions on some of the Radio Tower variants which prevented players from passing through
- Fixed the bug that caused the colours on the Engines to not switch correctly when the device was being turned off/on.
- Fixed the bug that caused the Lift to get stuck in the middle of the way down when the player pressed the button right as the Lift’s doors were opening.
- Locations should no longer spawn in mountains
- Locations should no longer spawn in ruins
- Medical Station now displays information if there aren’t enough Preternatural Nuclei added for it to work
- Fixed the bug that caused a ladder to spawn in an incorrect place on some Radio Tower variants
- Fixed a bug which prevented players from using the Ladder Room
- There should no longer be Thorn Bee’s Nests missing from the Underdust location
- Fixed “Printing Completed” voiceline playing for each crafted item in the Suit Printer
- Fixed “Printing Completed” voiceline playing for each unit of liquid crafted in the Distiller
- Fixed “Printing Completed” voiceline playing for each food item cooked in the Electric Cooker
- Lulling Grass Crickets’ nests are no longer hovering above the ground
- Lulling Grass Crickets no longer spawn in every possible spot on Garden locations
- Fixed strangely rotated cabinet doors hanging in air
- Missing translations added
- Further performance improvements: - Some airship modules should now be lighter in terms of graphics and flight physics performance - Improved UI and HUD performance in several in-game screens
- Sometimes the Airship gets stuck and doesn’t respond to steering. If this happens, pick the Engines up and place them again.
- If you lost the Friendly Insect, there is currently no way to get it back. At this moment we recommend loading an older save on which you still have the Friendly Insect.
- The yellow highlight for new items doesn't disappear for any item in all printers.
- After placing an Engine, the “The limit of maximum flight speed reached” voiceline is played. This is an incorrect message.
- After placing a Turbine, the “The limit of maximum flight altitude reached” voiceline is played. This is an incorrect message.
- Automatic Deck Extractors don’t target the Scrapwing Hatchery if their inventory is full. This will be reworked.
- Some items on Radio Tower are respawned after reloading a save and float in the air.
- Some items on Wind Farm’s lower platform are respawned after reloading a save and float in the air.
- Sometimes players can’t remove previously placed ship modules (catwalks, railings). We are investigating this issue.