A new hotfix just left our oven - Thank you for all of your feedback since the launch of EA.1.7.0. We're still working on it, here is a second hotfixe. Expect more soon:
- Scanner now has two times more charges
- Tool Charger study recipe is now unlocked after picking up Electric Elements
- Tool Charger costs changed to 1 Electric Element, 4 Synthetic Compounds and 1 Transformer
- Fixed bug where recycling item containing Chitin in the Recycler caused collision problems for an airship
- Some missing translations for languages other than English
- Random disconnecting from sessions - we’re investigating tons of logs now and trying to fix the most common problems
- After rejoining a session quest-related parts of some locations may not be visible for joining players (clients)
- Friendly Insect is duplicated for clients in the Underdust: Tunnels
- Friendly Insect may behave oddly once in a while
- Clients may have better visibility on Underdust locations - the dust isn’t distributed properly
- Ladder Room ladder mesh will be replaced, right now animations don’t match
- Every player hears other player characters coughing (from the lack of oxygen) as loud as they would hear themselves
- Upgraded Engines and Turbines tend to rotate oddly for clients
- Oil Barrels don’t show the correct state when the clients exit and join the game again. They appear full, but they aren’t.
- When a player is left on a location and the rest of the crew fly away a certain distance, if the stranded player uses the UNSTUCK button, the world may not load properly for them when they return to the airship
- Building Mode: Legacy doesn’t allow for placing the engines on room frames