It’s time to showcase your dedication to the realm! We’re happy to announce that we’ve just dropped a range of Fahrul-themed items in the Point Shop for you to spend your hard-earned points on. In addition, we’ve also added a handful of awesome looking Trading Cards you can earn just by playing!
From Animated Avatars and Frames to Profile Background and Stickers, you can now bring the world of Fahrul to your Steam profile. Take a quick look at the drop below...

In other news, we hope you’re enjoying our latest content drop Water, Water Everywhere! If you haven’t checked out the update yet, you can find the patch notes here. Otherwise, you can expect further updates from us soon - keep an eye out as we head into April. Good luck on your quests, Adventurers!
Thank you for all the support you continue to show us. We thrive off such an enthusiastic community and value all the feedback you provide.
⚔️IronOak Games

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