News Liste Soulmask

Developer update: Decorate your home with more details
11.04.24 12:26 Community Announcements

Hello Chieftains!

Maggie & Peter brings you your weekly update! If you have seen the last one, you can tell that our beloved tribesmen are certainly getting smarter:

After arranging his adorable tribesmen's production line, Peter finally had enough raw materials to start implementing his ambitious multi-tiered large stone castle construction! Believe me, since November, he has believed that community managers must be on par with the players' houses.

Chieftains' houses be like:
Chieftain: @Dekkar

Chieftain: @[MH] Rook

Chieftain: @Leviathon

Community managers houses be like:

Honestly, as long as he doesn't put the chests in an unnoticeable corner, causing our tribesmen to be overcrowded, I will be thankful. Nevertheless, our community team's "house" finally has a semblance, even though it's just a design for now...

To imbue the interior with a strong sense of design, we asked Soulmask's designer, Jay, for some suggestions. He loves to share, and we gladly spent close to two hours at his computer receiving a demonstration of his architectural prowess. We have plenty of new building content that we would like to share with you.

Who would complain about a clan full of awesome designs?

A more warm and cozy home:

The role of the Bonfire:

In this perilous world of Soulmask, "home" is defined as the last place of refuge for Chieftains to shelter themselves from the wind and rain. In the early stages of the game, even the only one.

We can find many historical records of primitive humans worshipping fire and feel deeply moved and touched by it. Imagine being in a dark jungle where danger lurks at every turn, and the Bonfire represents warmth, safety, and delicious food. We all yearn for the sense of peace that fire brings as if it were an ancestral imprint carved into DNA.

Therefore, in the core design philosophy of Soulmask, the Bonfire is the heart of our home. As a camping enthusiast, Game designer Jay loves to stare at the rising steam before the campfire all night. He has modified the fire special effects in the game, from the steam effects in the rain to the realism of every flame frame. We hope that after a dangerous day, the first ray of light you see when you return home will be filled with benevolence and a sense of peace.

*Of course, there are also the beloved tribesmen waiting for the Chieftains.

A more realistic home:

In addition to the Bonfire, we also aim to create a sense of "home" in Soulmask for you. The first question we asked ourselves was: a family without a toilet is not realistic!

So, we have added a toilet, and I believe that some Chieftains already knew about this from the previous developer's update. However, there are still many interesting details about the toilet that have not been introduced yet. For example, fluorescent lights inside the toilet (Jay even suggested putting a small turkey in there for... well, you know).

Of course, there will be a natural byproduct: feces. But fear not, as it will become a good source of fertilizer, materials for weapons, and even... fun items to play with.

*Thankfully, it can be washed away.

Of course, there will also be more comfortable lighting options, as Maggie strongly dislikes the idea of me using torches inside our home. So, we have also developed a new series of firefly lamps, and there will be more lighting options to come in the future!

**Along the walls, on top of cabinets, and everything in between.

Useless but fun!

Meanwhile, Jay is also very enthusiastic about designing furniture with what he calls "fun but useless" functionalities. After all, a home should not be just a production line for the tribesmen. It's the little fun things that make it a true "home."
We have added Double Beds and Double Chair. Having two tribesmen sleep on them? Sounds meaningless. But sleeping together with your real-life partner? That doesn't sound too bad!

It is well known that tribesmen can not read, except for the Chieftains who wear masks. But that doesn't stop Maggie from using bulletin board to warn those dishonest companions.

*Of course, the effectiveness is questionable.

There's also the hitching post for mounts, where well-fed animals can be tethered, their loyalty beyond doubt. However, who would want their yard filled with roaming beasts? At least, the head Producer, Zima, who happens to have a touch of OCD, is not willing to allow it.

Indeed, everyone can choose to ignore the elements above. However, just like the magnets on the refrigerator or the paintings above the fireplace, if these little trinkets can bring a sense of warmth and home to the Chieftains and their companions, Jay is willing to put in twelve times the effort to make it happen.

Is that the end? We're just getting started! Jay has also created a bunch of interesting new buildings, and there's a bit of a personal touch for him as a mechanical enthusiast...

More fun buildings

After addressing survival and personnel issues in Soulmask, expanding one's home and base is often a priority for the Chieftains. Jay's primary task is to ensure that base construction becomes an engaging and enjoyable part of the game.

Wind-Powered Machinery

Do you like the smell of machine oil? Are you obsessed with the movements of steel gears and drive shafts?
At least Jay is that kind of guy. This quiet engineering enthusiast's favorite pastime is drawing intricate mechanical mechanisms daily.

And his fascination with drive shafts and gears is also reflected in our advanced power workshop. Jay can proudly guarantee that each gear's rotation direction is precise!

New interactions with livestock:

And if you're not interested in machinery, how about these adorable creatures? The capybaras have always been one of everyone's favorite livestock, and we wanted to showcase their cute and amusing behaviors in Soulmask. For example, they will take baths on their own! We have added a new building module with pipes, and the capybaras will actively shower themselves:

Looking for other needs?

Are you a collector? Our wearable wooden figures allow you to test the damage reduction capabilities of various armors.
Or are you a dart enthusiast at the pub? The archery target even increases damage based on the hit score, making it a good choice for competing against other companions or tribesmen.
Or do you want to keep something different? Our beehive doesn't require you to catch bees and nurture them manually - that sounds silly. Instead, it uses syrup to lure these little creatures to build their nests, just like in reality.

There are also fish ponds for breeding piranhas, which can be transformed into traps, and windmills that are influenced by altitude to affect energy efficiency... Many of the toys we cannot yet showcase are aimed at providing sufficient rewards to any Chieftains willing to spend time on construction - like building houses. If you enjoy creating, then that's great. We hope you have fun!

More Convenient Construction Optimization

Even if you only see a glimpse of the iceberg above, you can still see the effort Jay puts into base construction. But if all of this doesn't make it easy for you to get started, it's all in vain. That's why the simplicity of construction has always been one of our top priorities.

During the last NextFest, many players provided feedback on the building system. As always, we heard you, we made changes, and we will continue to improve:

More organized storage chests::

Right I'm OCD but since the game has adsorption, are boxes still only adsorbed vertically?
——Chieftain: GG alex

Why not? We have added several angles of chest alignment, making it easier for players who don't enjoy playing Tetris with their storage to keep things organized:

A more user-friendly campfire:

It never worked for me. Always spawned my on a Beach until I put down the big fire
——Chieftain: OGPG_LV

We've noticed that some new players need to learn how to light their first campfire - a developer problem. Our tutorial needed to be better. So, besides putting effort into improving guidance, all campfires now have a "newbie protection period" of 10 minutes when lit. You can even place a campfire anywhere, even while being chased by a cheetah, to instantly respawn nearby (as long as it's not raining...):


Of course, there's also repair. We have designed a brand new structure: the repair station. As long as you assign one of your tribesmen to manage this area, chieftains can easily toss all their worn-out equipment into it and let the tribesmen take care of the rest.

Is it a hassle to change the material of your meticulously designed buildings? The new "Upgrade" option might be able to help you. By preparing the corresponding building components, you can quickly replace the material content in any position using this option.

Jay has many new changes that have not been implemented yet, and unfortunately, we are unable to showcase them at the moment. However, the construction system, as a critical part of the sandbox game, has always been our top priority. Due to objective limitations in development resources, to ensure quality, we will continue to enrich it as a long-term update content. Give us some time, and Soulmask will not disappoint anyone.

More of... what?

If building a castle requires a large amount of stone and bronze, then creating a prosperous world like Soulmask likely requires ten times the creativity and imagination.

So, we have many new gameplay features that we have yet to introduce. Some may still be in development, while others... we'll keep them a mystery for now.

But the next developer's update might give you a glimpse: What secrets lie within those magical ruins and majestic pyramids? What has happened in this world? Stay tuned if you're interested in what is happening in Soulmask!

We are Peter & Maggie, and we hope to see you again next time. If you want to discuss more about the game, feel free to join our official Discord server:

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Logo for Soulmask
Release:H3 2024 Genre: Action-Adventure Entwickler: Campfire Studio Vertrieb: Qooland Games Engine:keine Infos Kopierschutz:keine Infos Franchise:keine Infos
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