Hello, Chieftains!
Welcome to the third fast Q&A session of the week! If you want to review the first two episodes, you can click here:
I must say, from the feedback in the last two sessions, ZIMA has realized that we need to accelerate our update pace.
You may have already seen the latest patch we just released! We've added some highly requested features and fixes, including the Perfect Revival for tribesmen.
Of course, we still have a lot of your feedback on our calendar, and in this session, we aim to address some of your most pressing questions!
1.Bugs Reported:
Q:My game suddenly crashed!
We sincerely apologize for this extremely unfortunate issue. We are diligently trying to resolve all crashing problems affecting our players. Please make sure you have submitted your crash log so that our team can analyze it and develop appropriate solutions.
In the meantime, verifying the integrity of your Steam client files, updating to the latest graphics driver, and confirming your Steam account is logged in correctly could potentially help.
Q:My Death Package dropped beneath the ground!
Previously, there was a chance that your Death Package could drop beneath the ground after death. However, this issue has been resolved in today's update.
Q:Why does my camera shake?
Copy that. We've received reports of this bug that strains everyone's eyes. Rest assured, we're actively investigating the issue and will resolve it as soon as possible.
Q:My UI is extremely laggy!
To resolve this, please open "Game Settings," select "Language & Other," then scroll down to "Background Animation in the Game Interface" and set it to "Always Off."
Q:My little monkey is about to die due to starving...
Currently, our little monkeys only eat food provided in the Feed Trough. In the upcoming update, they will find food sources on their own and won't consume your food and water resources.
Q:After respawn, I can't find the Portal in my Death Package!
Those sneaky portals kept mysteriously hopping out of chieftains' backpacks on their own, but we have implemented a fix to stop their mischievous behavior.
Q:My character disappeared after being defeated by the Anaconda!
The Anaconda is not only terrifying, but its special damage ability is currently causing issues. We are working diligently to resolve this and minimize the occurrence of these problems.
Exercise caution and avoid provoking them needlessly. If possible, defeat them from a safe distance during combat.
Q:My tribesmen are all gathered together on strike?
Recently, the tribesmen's behaviors aren't abnormal, as if they're worshiping some myster-
ious entity other than the masks. We will correct their conduct within this week so t-
hey can resume working properly!-<
Of course, their refusal to work might also due to more immediate reasons. Make sure -
to monitor their moods and offer a diverse diet by providing at least two types of f-
ood from the following categories: staples, vegetables, and meat.-<
2. Suggestions from Chieftains:
Q:Why can't the initial character be enhanced?
As a sacrifice who escaped the tribal ritual, the initial character was simply lucky e-
nough to obtain the mask. After uploading their awarenesses, they transcended them origi-
nal self. The mask bestowed its powers upon the character.-<
This is why the initial character in Soulmask is unimportant, serving more as an "ulti-
mate safeguard" when you're stripped of everything.initial physical form remains the idea-
l vessel for fusing with the mask, granting the ability that can be revived at any t-
ime and instantly be summoned at bonfires and resurrection devices.-<
However, we are considering enhancing some of the initial character's abilities to makeÂ-
this "ultimate safeguard" more appealing. This is still working in progress. Additionall-
y, with the upcoming release of thePerfect Revival feature for tribesmen, you can now -
cultivate them for even the most perilous adventures without fear of losing them perman-
Q:I find those flying monsters, such as the Horned Eagle, are too powerful!
These winged foes can be quite vexing, but they are manageable once you understand their attack patterns. They typically dive for a single strike before quickly retreating. Here are some tips:
- Attack with ranged weapons (Bow, Throwing Axe) as they leave.
- Launch a remote attack as they approach, then immediately roll to safety.
- Use the Spear's inherent skill, "Ultimate Throw," to knock them down directly from the air!
- With the Hammer's inherent skill, you can face their attacks head-on and counterattack, provided you can endure the impact.
We'll also optimize the game by adding map markers for elite Horned Eagles. Don't be intimidated—stay sharp, Chieftains, and you'll defeat them!
Q:I hope we can customize the load multiplier.
We do have plans to support this. However, due to the current complexity of our loadÂ-
coefficients, we need to optimize the UI first before adding more customization options-
Q:Some cheaters took out our entire team!
Soulmask guards the fairness of our official servers fiercely. Our approach to any actions that undermine this fairness is clear-cut:
Zero Tolerance!
Our anti-cheat team actively bans detected cheaters on a daily basis. Rest assured, we will progressively increase the severity of these bans to ensure fair gameplay for all.
Q:As a private server admin, I need more support!
We also deeply value your advise as the Private server admins . We've gathered extensi-
ve feedback from you, and moving forward, we will place even greater emphasis on liste-
ning to your input while continuously optimizing the tools for private servers.-< You can aslo join our Private server Discord channel for more support
Above concludes our three fast FAQ sessions for this week. After the second update, we-
 will continue to gather your questions regularly and make this a recurring Q&A series-
. If you have any questions in the meantime, please feel free to leave them in the -
comments section. See you next week!-<
Community Manager Peter
Lead Producer ZIMA
Join discord: https://discord.com/invite/4G2K7FDbtp