Hello everyone, happy Tuesday! Back with another Community showcase and as promised another announcement, check it out!
[i] please don't tell Shrek [i]
[i] *fakes batman voice* "It's a big island. I can't be everywhere. But they don't know where I am. We have a signal now, for when I'm needed." [i]
[i] Go ahead, rub my belly. [i]
[i] Boo [i]
[i] Ain't that sweet [i]
[i] "I believe I can fly" he said, I didn't know pancakes can talk [i]
[i] just because they smell like cheese doesn't mean they're edible [i]
[i] shooting out of a stick is just bananas [i]
[i] X-games mode unlocked [i]
[i] having splinters while rotting in a bunker cell doesn't make you Sam Fisher [i]
You know the drill, next up are some vids
Lets start with some familiar faces, Here's Rusty and Miss EM wrecking havoc everywhere they go, as usual
Next in line is CitizenZ, who has made a whopping 3 seasons of PvE content. Newcomers can see how one gets started on our lovely island of joy and happiness and veterans can reminisce the good ol' days of feeling helpless and utter despair when they first started to play
And last but not least, we've got Fric with an intense Raid compilation that will keep you on the edge of your seat.
And saving the best for last, we have that announcement. Join us Tomorrow on the now traditional Streamer event celebrating a new update, now called Fame Seekers! Root for your favorite SCUM content creators as they showcase some of the new features in this absolutely not serious event!
That's all folks! See you next week!