Ohoï vikings!
There are a lot of things happening in terms of discussions and informations at the moment. For that reason, we would like to keep you updated on all of that in one swift read
There are a lot of things happening in terms of discussions and informations at the moment. For that reason, we would like to keep you updated on all of that in one swift read
DLC Closed Beta
Regarding the Closed Beta inscription that was launched last week, with almost a thousand answers, we had to select only a few, but be sure you'll have other occasions to get in a Closed Beta!
If you have been selected, you should have received a mail from us by the time you read this news!
Servers and bugfixes
Following the issues with Russian servers, a solution have been found and should be applied with a patch coming tomorrow, more details soon
We have also received numerous report regarding crashes/freezes coming in around 802. Thanks to all of your reports, we have a lead on the issue and should be able to fix it in tomorrow's patch as well!
Trade and Prestige
If you follow the public beta, you might know it hasn't been updated for a while.
That time was reserved for refining the content for a release soon enough!
When? Well..We already talked about an update tomorrow right? ????
Be sure to keep an eye out for Trade and Prestige!