Our server maintenance has concluded and our servers are now back online.
Please update your game to ensure you can access Online Mode once again. The below items will not apply to the Offline Mode until you update the game.
It's recommended to restart Steam/Epic or verify your game files to make sure you're on the latest version. The game version shows in the main menu when you start the game.

0.5.2 Changelog
Bug Fixes
Progression Blockers
- We had Sheliak's Yoke (Scarab boss) take some refresher courses so it should no longer lose aggro and become unresponsive[/*]
- Renewed the magick in an inactive Desert Vault glyph so it should now work as intended and allow players to complete the puzzle [/*]
- We’ve given Puck a stern talking-to, and he should appear more consistently when quests are complete, especially in Hollowed Moor [/*]
- Got the paints rematched so the Regency Tileset should now be the same colour in all Realms[/*]
- A Desert Gauntlet Realm POI has had its setting dressing replaced, making it a good date spot despite the Bound nearby [/*]
- Turns out, plant pots and plots were haunted by vengeful tree spirits. We’ve cleansed them so invincible trees should no longer spawn near plant pots and planters. If you have this issue, please use Build Mode (default ‘X’ key) and completely remove cursed pots/plants. Try logging out (if playing in Online Mode, please wait 10+ minutes for the server to completely shut down) and then logging back in to see if it’s resolved. If it is, rebuild with your less cursed plant pots/plots[/*]
- We “took care” of the Fae trickster that caused some Realmwalkers to come across invisible buildings, especially when returning to their Respite Realms [/*]
- Adding Charms to items should no longer reduce their gear score[/*]
- Pillars should no longer block Sheliak’s Yoke from spawning[/*]
- Recruited NPCs no longer stop working if players sleep [/*]
- Talked to Observatory management in Welkin’s Reach, it will now re-open if players reset the Realm and have completed the ‘Chasing for Stars’ quest[/*]
- We took out the remaining supply of T4 Infusions rewards as they are past their expiry date and invalid[/*]
- HP bars should now sync in multiplayer[/*]
- The ‘Add Selected’ button in the Fuel Menu should now function as expected [/*]
Game Changes
- Powered up all light sources to be brighter at night[/*]
- Nellie no longer requires the player to ask multiple questions to progress her dialogue.[/*]
- Allan Quartermain will no longer cheap out on Essence, and reward T4 Essence instead of T3 Essence [/*]
- Using the teleporter at Sites of Power will now respawn bosses as long as other players are not in the boss area [/*]
Player Character
- Added the option for toggle sprint in the controls menu so players can press Shift to sprint as long as they have the stamina to do so[/*]
- Realigned collision on Crossway glyphs[/*]
- Increased collision on the Welkin’s Reach Hope Gate [/*]
- Glyphs in the Abeyance Site of Power will no longer appear behind bustable walls, chests with rewards can now be found in such locations instead [/*]

Thank you for your patience and for joining us on this journey!
- The Nightingale Team