By far the most requested feature since Nightingale went into Early Access, Offline Mode offers players more flexibility when venturing into Nightingale’s mystical and dangerous Faewilds. What’s more, the Gapple and Travelling Update introduces a few key features for Offline Mode, including Steam Deck compatibility, Cloud Saves, and the ability to migrate your online save to offline.

Your arsenal of fierce weaponry continues to expand throughout Early Access. Recent updates have added projectile weapons to the Realmwalkers' repertoire of deadly accoutrements, including Throwing Knives and Grenades. You’ll also be able to get your hands on firearms in the early game with the formidable Blunderbuss improving your ability to take down the dangers lurking in the Faewilds.

Surviving the Faewilds is tough enough without having to constantly jump around storage boxes or wait for timers to tick down. That’s why improvements such as craft from storage, build from storage and queued crafting have been added, allowing Realmwalkers to immerse themselves in the art of crafting. Speaking of QOL features, the latest Grapple and Travelling Update introduces the Pepy’s Box, a multi-Realmic storage device where Realmwalkers can deposit heavy or surplus items, freeing up crucial inventory space without needing to return back to the homestead. Place items inside the Pepy’s Box allows you to access the items from any other Pepy’s Box, in any location, in any Realm.

You know what’s better than a razor-toothed Bound hunting you through the moonlight Faewild forest? A razor-toothed Bound hunting you through the moonlight Faewild forest with a cannon strapped to its back! Several new enemies have been introduced in recent months, including the aforementioned cannon-wielding Bound Breaker, the shield-carrying brute Bound Aegis, and sharpshooter sniper Bound Marksman. You’ll also discover other enemy variants with a range of new behaviours and attacks as you dive deeper into the Realms.

With the introduction of new enemies, a Realmwalker must have a number of new combat abilities at their disposal. Several tools have been enhanced to include additional attacks and powers. Sickles now feature a boomerang ability (Boomsickle, anyone?), Hunting Knives can parry, and Hammers have a special flurry attack to overwhelm enemies. The Grapple and Traveling Update also introduces the grapple ability to Climbing Picks, allowing Realmwalkers to zip to walls and traverse the Realms in a whole new way.

It’s not unusual to stumble upon a lost Realmwalker here and there in the Realms. Each day more and more souls find themselves lost in the multirealmic void. Recently the likes of Joan of Arc, Edgar Allen Poe and Taliesin the Bard have offered unique quests and rewards for Realmwalkers who seek them out looking for further adventures.

It’s all well and good traversing the portal network in search of adventures and glory, but any intrepid Realmwalker worth their salt looks to do so in style. Thank Humbaba then that a variety of new outfits and character options have been added, offering further flourish to would-be Faewild fashionistas. Take a look at some of the dapper duds that have been added recently.

All of the above would be worth nought if it wasn’t for the performance updates and refinements that have been made in the weeks and months since the Early Access launch. New players can expect a more robust and smooth experience from the outset, both for online and offline players.

And that’s not all. We’re still very busy working on a bunch of new stuff coming in the weeks and months ahead. Take a look at our latest Developer Update on more of what you can expect in the future. We’ll be expanding build limits, adding new tilesets and build pieces, more weapons, creatures, and bosses, while also working on making Realms richer and more differentiated. And, of course, we’re also working on brand new biomes.
Keep your eyes on our socials, website, Steam page and Discord for the latest updates.
See you in the Realms!
The Nightignale Team