Our server maintenance has concluded and our servers are now back online.
Please update your game to ensure you can access Online Mode once again. The below items will not apply to the Offline Mode until you update the game.
It's recommended to restart Steam/Epic or verify your game files to make sure you're on the latest version. The game version shows in the main menu when you start the game.

0.5.3 Changelog
Game Changes
Halloween Event
- Head on over to the Abeyance Realm and talk to Puck to trigger this seasonal event[/*]
- Kill Autumnal Bound that spawn at night to unlock seasonal accessories and decorations [/*]
- These rewards can be redeemed in the Progression Tree [/*]
- Festive decorations have been placed in The Crossways and the Abeyance Settlement [/*]
- Talk to Wilhelmina, Graeme, and Taliesin to learn more about the festivities [/*]
- Buildings no longer need realistic support on the ground[/*]
- Crystal Ball bonus has been changed to more properly align with Refined Augment bonuses [/*]
- Recruited NPCs can now revive other NPC survivors[/*]
- T2 Gunpowder is now available at the Refined Mortar Station rather than Refined Masonry Station[/*]
- Rough Hewn Boots and Smithing Gloves can now be unlocked in the progression tree even if you did not select them as a part of your starting outfit [/*]
- The Dialogue UI design has been updated to be much more lightweight and immersive[/*]
- New notification styles[/*]
- The goal tracker now has a limit to the number of things you can track to ensure the UI doesn't overflow[/*]
Bug Fixes
- Water from the Watering Can should now be visible indoors[/*]
- Fixed instances of build from storage not working[/*]
- Fixed bug where Sheliak's Yoke monologue sometimes does not trigger after defeating him[/*]
- Recruited NPCs should more reliably revive players. [/*]
Player Character
- Fixes for character creator when choosing different archetypes[/*]
- Stamina should no longer decrease when a player is in the air/falling [/*]
- The charm application button should now display as expected in all languages[/*]
- Damaged icons should now be removed when items have been repaired [/*]
- Ruined Factory POI collisions have been adjusted[/*]
- Various bug and crash fixes [/*]

Thank you for your patience and for joining us on this journey!
- The Nightingale Team (Inflexion Games)