We finally opened the Realms this past week and we’ve been overwhelmed by the intrepidness and creativity of all the fledgling Realmwalkers exploring Nightingale for the first time. We’ve been receiving the feedback, watching the streams, and reading through your tales of Realm-diving adventures over the last few days. A heartfelt thank you from everyone here at Inflexion.
To wrap up our first week of Early Access, we wanted to provide an update on some of the work we’re doing here at the studio, as well as spotlight some of the cool community content we’ve been enjoying.
As you may have seen us discuss recently, we have several big and small updates that we’re working on right now. The most significant of which is the implementation of an offline mode - you can read more about that here:

Additionally, we have some much-requested quality-of-life improvements in development, the most notable of which include craft from storage and queued crafting. Keep an eye on our social channels and Discord for more news on these (and other things we’re working on) soon.
In case you missed it, here is some information on the known issues we are working to address:

While the adventure may just be starting for our Realmwalkers, there’s been no shortage of impressive creations that you’ve shared with us from the Realms.
If you’ve got a magnificent estate to share or any spectacular Realm photography you want to boast about, jump into the Discord https://discord.com/invite/playnightingale] and drop your finest works of art in #game-screenshots.

By Zenkori on Discord
Thank you so much for sharing your awesome and charismatic artwork! We’d love to see more! That goes for all of you as well. If you have any Nightingale artwork, crafts, or anything you’ve created, make sure to drop it in our Nightingale Creations category on the Nightingale Official Discord (https://discord.gg/playnightingale).

Not forgetting our content creators, here are a few videos that caught our eye over the last week.
Nightingale First Look - A NEW Survival Crafting Game | Early Access: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Seyv5_2ELHM
Nightingale Character Creation (Male & Female, Full Customization, All Options, More!): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JaP9oX7a4GI
Nightingale Beginners Guide! 10 Important Things I Wish I Knew Sooner - Nightingale Gameplay Guide: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=frkub7Fsgnw&pp=ygULbmlnaHRpbmdhbGU%3D
Nightingale ULTIMATE Beginner Guide - 20 ESSENTIAL Tips & Tricks You Need To Know!:https://youtu.be/-GBMgIDpjb0?si=bBHBtwutVqrvz2R-
How I Survived all 10 Realms to Reach Nightingale's Endgame: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=290a274D6jI&pp=ygULbmlnaHRpbmdhbGU%3D
Top Base Building Tips for Nightingale: https://youtu.be/uW_H7tqOtYw?t=304
Diorama of Realistic Nightingale Survival Crafting Game: https://youtu.be/RYQnwLV_ViU?si=9KlDLMWk0zLgIfU_
Nightingale Labs: https://nightingale-labs.com/
Nightingale Database: https://nightingale.gaming.tools/en/db/items
Nightingale Wiki: https://playnightingale.wiki/index.php/Main_Page
Thank you for sharing all your creations with us. Your enthusiasm is incredible, and we look forward to seeing what other adventures you get up to in the Realms.
Please keep sharing your stories and creations with us on our Discord or our social channels. We look forward to seeing you in the Faewilds.
- The Inflexion Team