It's that time again to sneak into our studio folders and uncover what the team has been up to over the last month.
But, before we do that, let's talk a little bit about our last Developer Update. In short, we finished our latest closed playtest in the beginning of September and got a lot of insightful feedback from our playtesters. Right now, we are busying ourselves with implementing some new QoL features, as well as improving a few other systems ahead of our next playtest (more details on that to come).
If you want to hear more about how the last playtest went, get some context on our Early Access launch, and see some awesome cosplay from gamescom, then check out the video below.
Now, for some new fun stuff...
We've added new Estate sets! You will have seen a glimpse of this Estate set in the last trailer, so we thought we should make it official. Here is the beautiful Pagoda Estate set.

We will be showing more Estate sets in detail on our socials and in future updates.
More Curious Points of Interest
As always, we want to continue to fill the Realms with fantastical locations, or, POIs (Points of Interest). Here's a look at a few that our team has created for the adventurous Realmwalker.

Water, Water, Everywhere...
Our new water VFX is making a real splash in Nightingale. And what better way to show it off than with some shots of sun-soaked beaches. Even a Realmwalker needs a moment to get swept away with chill sea vibes.

Adansonia Digitata
That's the fancy way of saying: Baobab Trees! Who doesn't like a nice Baobab tree? We definitely do. So, we thought they'd fit nicely in Nightingale.

Ooh, Shiny!
We made minerals shinier in the game not only to make them pretty to look at, but also easier to differentiate them from other rocks.




Bug of the Month
Puck, we saw you. No need to pretend like you weren't waiting for us all this time...