Servers have been taken down for maintenance to push a game update. Offline Mode can still be played at this time, but the Online Mode will be unavailable until the update is complete.
Please note the changes below will not be applied to Offline Mode until you update the game (you can see the version number in the main menu).

0.5.1 Changelog
Bug Fixes
Progression Blockers
- Fix to reduce/eliminate ‘dobbins’ errors[/*]
- Sheltered effect is better respected in caves, Sites of Power, and Stick Tents, which means rain should no longer cause players to be unable to use Graeme’s campfire [/*]
- Nellie no longer tells you to find a Fabled Automaton Knight when you actually need to find a Fabled Automaton Bishop [/*]
- Bound Assassin’s blade should now show as intended when it is thrown[/*]
- Wear and tear visual changes should be back on tools as their durability decreases [/*]
- Fixed an issue that could cause crafting benches to display fire VFX while extinguished [/*]
- Fixed an issue that could cause fleeing creatures to trigger combat music[/*]
- Fixed an issue that could cause audio to briefly cut out when approaching certain POIs [/*]
- Fixed a rare crash caused by a multithreading race condition in the audio engine [/*]
- lingbow Marbles now properly apply debuff effects when shot[/*]
- Recruitable NPCs no longer stop performing all their tasks if an encumbered player is nearby [/*]
- Adjustments to Humbaba movement to prevent sliding [/*]
- Fixed an NPC POI in Herbarium Forest where players could not use the stairs to reach the top of the foundation [/*]
- Elder Eoten should no longer stand idle for long periods of time [/*]
- Sheliak will now apply heavier gravity to players as it is charging even if a gravitational Realm Card is on the Realm [/*]
- Bound Assassin can no longer hit players through walls with its throwing blade attack [/*]
- Voice type selection in character creation should no longer reset to Type A after choosing another option[/*]
- Players should no longer temporarily spawn under the world when returning to the Crossways [/*]
- Desma will no longer have the dialogue option “The potion seemed to work on the roots!” before the player has completed the required quest[/*]
- Implemented a fix that should make it easier to build near Joan of Arc [/*]
- There are no longer two quests called "An Astrall Pull" [/*]
- Hope Echo has been updated to mention the correct current Realm location of Ludivine Saint-Clair [/*]
- Player names no longer show on the map when Streamer Mode is on[/*]
- Watering UI should no longer show on non-valid objects [/*]
- Permission buttons on storage containers should now be highlighted properly [/*]
- Adjustment to the in-game tutorial notifications that appear on the left side of the screen to be clamped to a 16:9 ratio, and animate from the center, hopefully making them harder to miss for players [/*]
- Updated NPC shop visuals to be more aligned with our black and gold aesthetic [/*]
- Improved performance for the crafting recipe menu, especially when using Autofill[/*]
- Various visual and audio bug fixes [/*]
Game Changes
- Moved position of Crossways Portal Glyphs[/*]
- Adjusted VFX for ranged AOE attack on low-quality graphics (example: Slingbow ammo) [/*]
- Added visual dressing to the final Magwytch Site of Power chamber [/*]
- Sickle’s second ability (‘Throw’ or also known as ‘Sickle-rang’) can now be used when the player only has 1 stamina remaining[/*]
- The "Work here" radius has been increased for recruitable NPCs[/*]
- Only recruited NPCs are allowed to pick up items off the ground [/*]
- Wisp colours have been adjusted to be closer to the colour of the Essence they spawn [/*]
- You can now export and import character appearances to new or existing profiles in the first step of character creation/editing, for additional details see here[/*]
- A full beard facial hair option has been added to the character creator [/*]
- The text for the Drifter loadout has been updated [/*]
- Players can now get the Campfire recipe for free if they complete Graeme’s quest before unlocking it in the Progression Tree[/*]
- Various Abeyance quests have been adjusted to mention unlocking items in the progression menu, such as 'Establish a Base' [/*]
- Taliesin’s side quests will no longer automatically be pushed to your quest tracker, but can be pinned there by going to your quest menu [/*]
- Nellie’s quest will now only accept resources from Gauntlet Apexes [/*]
- Added Magick Power stats to Shimmering resources so it now provides 6% Critical Damage + 4% Magick Power[/*]
- Added Max. Health and Env. Resistance to Nickel so it now provides 20 Maximum Health + 10 Maximum Stamina + 10% Environmental Resistance [/*]
- The amount of Essence extracted from arrows has been adjusted [/*]
- Adjusted Lumber burn time to be greater than Wood Bundles [/*]
- Updated Input Hint textures to be less pixelated at small sizes[/*]
- Added a map pin to the bunker in Hollowed Moor for Poe’s quest [/*]
- Additional icons for consumables, undergarments and the Regency tile set have been added [/*]
- Downloading your Online characters from our website to transfer them to Offline mode now includes the folder with your Steam ID in it and can be exported to the same folder as Legacy/Archived characters, our documentation has been (or shortly after this post) updated to reflect this change[/*]
- Various minor text edits for clarity and consistency [/*]
- Various text updates for non-English languages [/*]
- Various minor visual updates for consistency [/*]

We’re still working on some high-priority bug fixes and high friction progression areas but we wanted to get this patch up for those playing over the weekend. Thank you for your patience and for joining us on this journey!
- The Nightingale Team