To celebrate, we want to introduce a new recurrent section called: Inflexion Flexes - allowing members of the Inflexion team to show off some of their creative endeavours within the Realms. But before we jump into that it’s time to delve into some Nightingale newness.
New critter alert! Ever the heartwarming sight, we have two of our newest critters to introduce, as they rustle and swish their way into the Realms in time for Early Access.
Eoten Sapling


Speaking of creatures, one that you’ll already be familiar with is the Sere Eoten. These desert dwellers might spark hesitation when you first encounter them but, if you tread carefully, they’re actually quite generous…

The Eoten already had a “shimmy-like” animation, so we added a bit of function to its skittish movements. It now drops/poops a pile of sticks!
Earlier this year, we introduced the swamp native Brippo. The team has since given it a name change! So, we thought it only fair to reintroduce you all to the Galumph. Given its look and surly demeanor we think the new name suits it brilliantly.

We added fish to the game! Depending on where you see these new scaly friends, whether it be in oceans or lakes, the fish will correspond to its proper ecosystem. Meaning, saltwater fish will be found only in oceans and freshwater fish will be found in lakes. And, of course, with the addition of fish there must be a way to catch them. Yes, you can fish in Nightingale!
Saltwater Fish

Freshwater Fish


Now for our new Inflexion Reflections section full of fun Inflexion flexing. In honor of our oFISHial friends above (we won’t stop with the puns), here is a beautiful Fishing Pier created by our Art Director, Neil Thompson and Media Capture Artist, Manuel Aguirre, built out of the Pagoda Estate set in a forest Realm.

Honestly… this one is a mis-TREE.

We wish you all a great holiday season and we’ll see you in the new year!
- The Nightingale Team [Inflexion Games]