Operation Overhaul Live Balance Update
Agents, we are dropping our first live balance update for Operation Overhaul effective immediately. This requires no download from your part and will automatically take effect in-game.
Our current mindset with this update is to keep the most oppressive and unpleasant elements targeted by feedback in check while we continue parsing through feedback for larger overarching changes in the future.
With all this said, let’s have a look:
Damage Falloff
Damage Falloff is one of the biggest changes to DI’s sandbox this update and as such, we are monitoring feedback, analyzing numbers and taking a deeper look at where it should go next. While we are having a larger look at the mechanic, we still wanted to make full-auto weapons more lenient in the meantime as this was highlighted by the community as the most difficult aspect of this new reality.
- Changed start distance on falloff for full-auto weapons 10m => 15m
Guards Behavior
We are aware of player’s frustration around the amount of guards that can quickly crowd around a duel when guards are in melee only mode. We are reducing the amount of guards actively attacking you when you have no heat to one. This should help reduce the chaos when you add this up to all participants in a fight by cutting the aggro-ed guards by half.
- Max amount of actively aggro-ed guard without a heat level 2 => 1
Ace received a slew of changes around her passive and we noted a large amount of feedback that the charge now feels clunky because of when it starts when shooting your weapon. We’ll be looking at this in a more in-depth manner in the near future, but we wanted to give Ace players a bit more charge speed to offset this in the short term.
Queen of Diamond
- Charge time shortened 1s => .65s
Jack of Diamond
- Charge time shortened .45s => .3s
King of Diamond
- Charge time shortened 1.3s => 1s
We received some good feedback on the fact that a tight ammo economy is not a fun gameplay lever, we are moving away from this on two weapons this update, including Chavez’s Duke by giving him a full clip per box.
Mod 2: Duke
- Ammo amount gained per box raised 2 => 4
In the same spirit as Chavez’s change, we are giving a more lenient ammo economy to Larcin’s Violence to allow it to shine more as a unique option in his arsenal.
Mod 2: Violence
- Ammo amount gained per box raised 4 => 8
Grande Finale continues to be a very strong tool for Larcin and his team. We are making its cooldown longer than his other options for now to make its use a bit more of a commitment in a fight, but we are looking at fixing a few issues around its potential interactions that makes it stronger than intended in the near future.
Mod 1: Grande Finale
- Cooldown extended 60s => 75s
The oppressiveness and strength of Red’s charm and heartbreak has been a hot topic of discussion recently. We are taking steps to make the ability less annoying to play against while making sure it’s still a useful tool in Red’s arsenal. We are also toning down the Lovebite shotgun which has been highlighted as the most destructive tool in Red’s arsenal in its current state.
Mod 2: Lovebite
- Damage 40 => 37
- Fire Rate 1.15 => 1.05 shots per second
- Reduced Charmed duration 8s => 5s
- Heartbreak Duration 8s => 6s
- Heartbreak additional damage now in line with vulnerable status effect 35% => 25%
Squire’s javelin is in a special position with the release of Operation Overhaul. While it’s one of the weapons that is most affected by recoil in the current state of the game, it’s performing extremely strongly for anyone that can control it. We will look into making the weapon less unwieldy in the future since this is beyond the scope of a live update, but we need to calm down the speed at which it melts opponents in the meantime to level the playing field
Mod 1: Trident
- Damage 11 => 10 per bullet
- Burst fire rate 10 => 9 shot per second
- Headshot Damage 15 => 14
- Reload Speed 2s => 2.2s
Hard Sell
- Fixed a close player spawn on top of the Auction Hall
Fragrant Shore
- Buffed ‘drawers spawn pools’ to have items more consistently.
- Fixed a keycard spawning behind a bed.
Sound Eclipse
- Buffed ‘drawers spawn pools’ to have items more consistently.
- Tweaked some close spawn points in the habitation section.