As we continue our deeper look into the new elements coming with Operation Overhaul, we’ll be going in detail with the element that generated the most questions in our original list of additions: The First Aid Vial.
We wanted to clear some of the biggest misconceptions around this new lootable item to make sure everyone is on the same page on how it will affect the game. Let’s get into it!

What does it do?
To start things off, let’s go through, in detail, what the vial can and cannot do. (All this balancing is currently being tested by external testers and is heavily subject to change.)
- You can carry up to 3 first-aid vials on yourself at a time.
- They heal for 20 HP each.
- Using a single vial takes 3 seconds.
- Any form of damage, running or trying to shoot will interrupt the action.
- You can find first aid vials in maps or buy them directly for 3 intel each in staff rooms.
- Any expertise that puts you in a state will prevent you from using them (Chavez Invincibility, Larcin’s vanishing).
These vials come with a new rebindable keybind to make sure they are as easy to use as possible (X by default on PC, D-pad Left on consoles).

What is the intention?
We have multiple reasons to want to introduce a source of healing on the go. The primary one is to open up the gameplay to be much more dynamic.
You have new choices to make in a match and a new resource to potentially want to spend time/intel on stacking up on. This resource removes some of the stress you would have from seeking a healing station/ being camped at one with the downside that the intel per heal ratio is less favorable.
The other part of the equation is to allow additional survivability that leads the fight to lean more heavily on what makes DI interesting. Using character abilities, gadgets and your weapon to weave in and out of battle and stay alive. In team mode, this can allow you to not entirely abandon your team once in low health and instead try to take cover to regain a bit of health to help out or at the very least live to fight another day.
We are excited for you all to try it in action and see how it affects the decision making and gameflow of a match.
The elephant in the room: What about the shield?
We know the shield is the biggest part of the equation on the anxiety felt by some players around the apparition of first aid vials, and we want to confirm that we are playtesting major shield changes that aim to address that fear. We are not ready to disclose the specific details of this change as it is still going through iteration following feedback.