Our focus for this patch was very much on Diamond Spire, but we have new elements for every single operation to keep things interesting. Let’s dive into some of these updates. Please keep in mind, we are still working on these changes and some of these screenshots might not be entirely representative once these changes are in your hands. That being said, let’s have a look!
Hard Sell
For Hard Sell, our focus has been into making the vault area more interesting with new flank routes in bathrooms and new visual cover for fights taking place in the entrances.

Silver Reef
Silver Reef is getting a substantial update once again, this time both in and outside the vault. The central bridge on the first floor has been removed to better control player flow around the map and reduce the amount of third party situations. A new staircase has been added on the vault side of the map to promote better interactions moving between floors.

On the vault front, a new vault entrance has been added near the aquarium area and additional flank routes have been added in the form of a new cargo area underneath the main terminal allowing cheeky dodges while using the briefcase.

Diamond Spire
Diamond Spire is getting a massive update with the main goal of reducing rooms without exits and smoother flow both in fights and in escape situations. Outside the vault, new scaffoldings have been added to create high profile escape options on both sides of the map.

The main hall also received new visual cover on all bridges and an opened up passage in the main lobby helicopter terminal that allows direct access to the vault door.

Inside the vault, two new restrooms have been added (when you gotta go, you gotta go!) to give more free flowing options between the three main corridors and reduce pressure on the formerly only restroom.

Finally, the rooftop has been updated to add both a restroom and a staff room, making it a fully fledged floor in its own right with better looting and healing opportunities.

Fragrant Shore
Fragrant is getting a smaller, mostly visual update, with some areas being reworked to be more visually distinct and new unique signs added to all storefronts in an effort to help player callouts and make location easier to distinguish.

Sound Eclipse
The lower part of the central hall now has stairs on both sides to allow better flow and prevent situations where players get trapped in a dead-end in an encounter. A new staff room has also been added to make the central hall a more appealing location and give it a natural flow from public, staff to guard room without having to change area.

We hope you enjoyed this look at the level art team’s work and we are very excited for you to have a look around and find everything new added to our maps!