Back To School Hotpatch
Agents, we are rolling out a hotpatch to address top issues around the back to school update. This will require a client update which should be up for download when you get to read this.
Guard Behavior Tweaks
We are making more changes to overall guard behaviors to better fit their return to being able to shoot at heat level 0.
We are changing how guards follow their target and how closely they will tail players to give a better chance of escaping them and more overall playspace without having guards in your face. We are continuing to look into guard behavior to improve the experience in future patches, but this should help make them more manageable.
Bug Fixes
- Fixed a large amount of issues caused by NPCs being dormant for optimization purposes. This had led to some “Ghost NPCS” that could not be shot amongst other symptoms.
- Fixed an issue where holding melee, releasing it, and holding it again could make your agent's hands disappear.
- Pencil (Rainbow) Ink is now localized in other languages.
- Umbrella shields no longer interact to prevent a wide array of situations that make it a nuisance depending on its placement.
- Tweaks were made to the Duke shooting animation to make it look off-center for a shorter time, making tracking shots easier.
- Similarly to Chavez, all of Hans’ weapons have received some animation tweaks in ADS to make follow-up shots easier to track.
Madame Xiu
- Fixed an issue that could lead to Madame Xiu getting catapulted across the map when using her expertise ability in some specific circumstances.
- Fixed an issue that got Madame Xiu a double location when pinging when she disabled the last vault terminal herself.
- Fixed an issue with the auto-fire setting leading to Hyo & Hanei being able to charge a large amount of kunai at once.
- Fixed an issue where Yu-Mi’s Expertise would sometimes not recover.Note: Our original fix on this was sadly only partial, limiting some instances where it could happen but not all. This one is a more robust fix.
- Fixed a visual seam on Yu-Mi’s school girl outfit around her armpit.
Training Range
- Removed the looming gray cube.
Diamond Spire
- Diamond Spire sound occlusion fixes to make it far more reliable across the level.
Fragrant Shore
- Fixed as spawn under the dock stairs, trapping players.
Sound Eclipse
- Fixed an issue that led to a missing gray field upgrade chests in some matches.
- Fixed a very rare possible spawn that would lead to players starting in a staff room.
- Fixed collisions in the new vault area that were not accurate.
- Fixed some of the central pit assets that looked crusty from a texture perspective.